Hello everyone.
I received this database that uses multiple queries to drill down to a single result. Basically there are 4 input boxes on the form (stored on a table) to enter in status codes for exluding labels. Each query pass compared an individual field of the table to finally sort through all the status codes. For me I need more than 4 exclusions so I am attempting to rewrite this piece so that you can have one field that contains all the status code exceptions and pass that to the query via a variable in the Not In (82,96,91,95,70) format.
What i did was put the query together with all the criteria and made it a make table query (aea-tmp for now). I then put that code in a variable Strsql so that i can use the runsql command against it. When i run the query from the query window it works fine but when i hit it in the code it gives me the error "Join expression not supported".
I am not sure if this is the best method but the only one I could think of to eliminate the need for more queries and table/form fields.
This is all private sub on the form excuting the code.
Currently I have the status code exceptions embeded in the code so there are no variables in the SQL string statement becasue i wanted to make sure it would work first.
I think I have it all in here and somewhat clear enough to understand. Please let me know if I need to add additional info and thanks for your time. This place rocks and I use it for all my stumbling blocks! Most cases I can find what I need but this one has proved different.
I received this database that uses multiple queries to drill down to a single result. Basically there are 4 input boxes on the form (stored on a table) to enter in status codes for exluding labels. Each query pass compared an individual field of the table to finally sort through all the status codes. For me I need more than 4 exclusions so I am attempting to rewrite this piece so that you can have one field that contains all the status code exceptions and pass that to the query via a variable in the Not In (82,96,91,95,70) format.
What i did was put the query together with all the criteria and made it a make table query (aea-tmp for now). I then put that code in a variable Strsql so that i can use the runsql command against it. When i run the query from the query window it works fine but when i hit it in the code it gives me the error "Join expression not supported".
I am not sure if this is the best method but the only one I could think of to eliminate the need for more queries and table/form fields.
This is all private sub on the form excuting the code.
Dim StrSql As String
Dim StrExcludeStatus As String
Dim StrExcludeBays As String
' txtexcludestatus is the field name on the form.
StrExcludeStatus = "Not In (" & txtExcludeStatus & ")"
StrExcludeBays = txtExcludeBays
StrSql = "SELECT dbo_t211_lbl.t211_lbl_nbr, dbo_t211_lbl.itm_num, dbo_statuscode.status, dbo_statuscode.status_desc, dbo_t211_lbl.scn_dtn_nbr, dbo_t211_lbl.t207_shp_ack_nbr, dbo_t211_lbl.cust_num, dbo_t211_lbl.add_dt, dbo_t211_lbl.upd_dm, dbo_t211_lbl.lbl_scn_dm, dbo_t211_lbl.upd_id, dbo_t211_lbl.acy_sts_cd, dbo_item.unt_dol_val, dbo_t211_lbl.lbl_seq_ctn_qty, [unt_dol_val]*[lbl_seq_ctn_qty] AS Extended_Cost, dbo_t211_lbl.cel_sts_cd INTO [aea-tmp]" & _
"FROM ([tblSorterLog-Dispatch] INNER JOIN (dbo_statuscode INNER JOIN dbo_t211_lbl ON dbo_statuscode.status = dbo_t211_lbl.status) ON [tblSorterLog-Dispatch].Label = dbo_t211_lbl.t211_lbl_nbr) INNER JOIN dbo_item ON dbo_t211_lbl.itm_num = dbo_item.itm_num" & _
"WHERE (((dbo_t211_lbl.scn_dtn_nbr) Not In (557,996)) AND ((dbo_t211_lbl.acy_sts_cd) Not In (82,96,91,95,70)) AND ((dbo_t211_lbl.cel_sts_cd)<>72));"
Currently I have the status code exceptions embeded in the code so there are no variables in the SQL string statement becasue i wanted to make sure it would work first.
I think I have it all in here and somewhat clear enough to understand. Please let me know if I need to add additional info and thanks for your time. This place rocks and I use it for all my stumbling blocks! Most cases I can find what I need but this one has proved different.