A query about the openFileDialog method, the second argument is
java.lang.String[] extensions
and the example given in the API refernce is
String[] { "txt", "java" }
but it does state "This might be ignored by the JNLP Client."
My question is why might it be ignored ? I have tried to run the method with some file extensions as it makes it a lot easier for the user but they are ignored and i don't know why. I though it may be a platform issue but i've only tried in on win 2k and NT but it doesn't seem to work on either. i tried:
FileContents fc = fos.openFileDialog(null, new String[]{"sdf", "txt"});
The file open dialog is displayed but only the default "All Files" extension is shown. Has anyone else worked out how to get round this ? Alistair
java.lang.String[] extensions
and the example given in the API refernce is
String[] { "txt", "java" }
but it does state "This might be ignored by the JNLP Client."
My question is why might it be ignored ? I have tried to run the method with some file extensions as it makes it a lot easier for the user but they are ignored and i don't know why. I though it may be a platform issue but i've only tried in on win 2k and NT but it doesn't seem to work on either. i tried:
FileContents fc = fos.openFileDialog(null, new String[]{"sdf", "txt"});
The file open dialog is displayed but only the default "All Files" extension is shown. Has anyone else worked out how to get round this ? Alistair