I have installed jmail. I also copied the jmail.dll to c:\wintt\system32 and also type regsvr32 jmail.dll and the computer told me installation was complete. When I run this script I get an error saying page cannot be displayed. Can anyone help me? Here goes the script:
' B"H
' Get the form data
name = "Daniel Cuperstein"
senderEmail = "dcuper1@hotmail.com"
subject = "Will this work?"
recipient = "dcuper1@hotmail.com
body = "vamos fuinciona"
' Create the JMail message Object
set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )
' Set logging to true to ease any potential debugging
' And set silent to true as we wish to handle our errors ourself
msg.Logging = true
msg.silent = true
' Enter the sender data
msg.From = senderEmail
msg.FromName = name
' Note that as addRecipient is method and not
' a property, we do not use an equals ( = ) sign
msg.AddRecipient recipient
' The subject of the message
msg.Subject = subject
' And the body
msg.body = body
' Now send the message, using the indicated mailserver
if not msg.Send("tmiserver.tmi.cob.fsu.edu" ) then
Response.write "<pre>" & msg.log & "</pre>"
Response.write "Message sent succesfully!"
end if
' And we're done! the message has been sent.
Do you know the Chabad Lubavitch Sheliach in your area?
He is waiting for you!
I have installed jmail. I also copied the jmail.dll to c:\wintt\system32 and also type regsvr32 jmail.dll and the computer told me installation was complete. When I run this script I get an error saying page cannot be displayed. Can anyone help me? Here goes the script:
' B"H
' Get the form data
name = "Daniel Cuperstein"
senderEmail = "dcuper1@hotmail.com"
subject = "Will this work?"
recipient = "dcuper1@hotmail.com
body = "vamos fuinciona"
' Create the JMail message Object
set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )
' Set logging to true to ease any potential debugging
' And set silent to true as we wish to handle our errors ourself
msg.Logging = true
msg.silent = true
' Enter the sender data
msg.From = senderEmail
msg.FromName = name
' Note that as addRecipient is method and not
' a property, we do not use an equals ( = ) sign
msg.AddRecipient recipient
' The subject of the message
msg.Subject = subject
' And the body
msg.body = body
' Now send the message, using the indicated mailserver
if not msg.Send("tmiserver.tmi.cob.fsu.edu" ) then
Response.write "<pre>" & msg.log & "</pre>"
Response.write "Message sent succesfully!"
end if
' And we're done! the message has been sent.
Do you know the Chabad Lubavitch Sheliach in your area?
He is waiting for you!