Hi Guys,
I have created a custom dialog which derives from the JDialog & have put some labels,radibuttons & an okay button.
MyDialog extendsJDialog{
public MyDialog(JFrame owner,String title,boolean modal){
Now,Iam creating this custom dialog from a different class, say xyz.
JFrame f = (JFrame)SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JFrame.class,getParent());
testDlg = new MyDialog(f,"test",true);
No when the user presses the "okay" button in the custom dialog,want the dialog to close & return to the parent class from where it is called...
Is that possible with custom dialogs ......
I have created a custom dialog which derives from the JDialog & have put some labels,radibuttons & an okay button.
MyDialog extendsJDialog{
public MyDialog(JFrame owner,String title,boolean modal){
Now,Iam creating this custom dialog from a different class, say xyz.
JFrame f = (JFrame)SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JFrame.class,getParent());
testDlg = new MyDialog(f,"test",true);
No when the user presses the "okay" button in the custom dialog,want the dialog to close & return to the parent class from where it is called...
Is that possible with custom dialogs ......