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jdbcodbc works in main but not in applet

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Feb 10, 2001
I am trying to create tables in a applet and it keeps throwing the following error ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
SQLException: No suitable driver

But if I run the same program as a main it works fine. I am developing in visual age for java 3.5 Entry entrprise. If I put the applet on my NT machine at work which also is running visual age for java it runs also.

Any ideas??
Sounds like a classpath issue. Make sure that rt.jar is in your system classpath.
My first guess is that this is a CLASSPATH error. VisualAge overrides the System CLASSPATH, so that is why I am guessing it works. Check your CLASSPATH and see that it has all the neccessary libraries.

I think all you need is [jdk-directory]/lib and . in the CLASSPATH. Wushutwist

Please include ur driver class file into your applet using archive tags.
Then use the connection object to establishth the connection.

If u have webserver and database seperately the u need signed applet . If u have in the same machine.
Then u can connect using the browser not using the appletviewer.

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