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javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate

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Dec 16, 2003

I'm getting this error while submiting the form. This code is working fine in localhost as well as working in our testing server.

But I have uploaded to our clients server and facing this issue. I dont know why.

Kindly help me.

This is my code,


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alert("Please select any option for Industry")
return false


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<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-weight: 700" size="1">CAPITAL:</font></td>
<td width="190" height="23">
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-weight: 700" size="1">TRAILING P/E RATIO:</font></td>
<td width="195" height="23">
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-weight: 700" size="1">PROFIT MARGIN:</font></td>

<td width="90" height="29"></td>
<td width="195" height="29">
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<html:eek:ption value="Consumer Durables">Consumer Durables</html:eek:ption>
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<html:eek:ption value="Medical Equipment">Medical Equipment</html:eek:ption>
<html:eek:ption value="Media">Media</html:eek:ption>
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<html:eek:ption value="Shipping">Shipping/Distribution</html:eek:ption>
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<html:eek:ption value="Utilities">Utilities</html:eek:ption>

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<html:eek:ption value="between">2,000 - 9,999</html:eek:ption>
<html:eek:ption value="more">morethan 10,000</html:eek:ption>
<td width="190" height="29">
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<td width="195" height="29">
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<tr> <td width="1000" colspan="3">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="102" bgcolor="#E7F2C9" HEIGHT="14" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right: 1px solid #A5A5A5; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1">
<p align="left"><b>
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-size: 9pt">
<td width="657" bgcolor="#E7F2C9" HEIGHT="20">
<p align="left"><b>
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-size: 9pt">&nbsp;SEARCH RESULTS</font></b></td>
<td width="238" bgcolor="#E7F2C9" HEIGHT="14" style="border-left: 1px solid #A5A5A5; border-right-width: 1; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1">
<p align="left"><b>
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-size: 9pt">&nbsp;NEWS AND
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#A5A5A5" width="1000" id="AutoNumber18" height="134">
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<td width="100%" height="12"><font size="2" face="Microsoft Sans Serif">
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<td width="100%" height="1">
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<td width="87%">
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-size: 7pt">
<strong>TRAILING P/E RATIO</strong></font></p>


<td width="8" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<td width="154" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<p id=E style="display:none" align="left"><font size="2" face="Microsoft Sans Serif">
is the ratio of the stock price to earnings-per-share. A high P/E
reflects an optimism about future earnings. Different industries
have distinct P/E histories and so this ratio should be employed
carefully, usually only among companies within the same industry.</font></p></td>
<td width="7" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<td width="169" height="3" colspan="3">
<td width="169" height="9" colspan="3">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="169" id="AutoNumber23">
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<td width="4">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="15">
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<td width="150">
<font face="Microsoft Sans Serif" style="font-size: 7pt">
<strong>&nbsp;MARKET CAPITALIZATION </strong></font><span style="font-size: 8pt">
<td width="8" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">

<td width="153" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
<p id=f style="display:none" align="left"><font size="2" face="Microsoft Sans Serif">is a measure of size of the firm and is calculated by multiplying
the number of shares by the share price. Size can be a significant
influence of performance for hypothetically larger companies
possess more leverage in negotiations with distributors as well
as more economy of scale advantages relative to suppliers/vendor.</font></p>
<td width="8" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">

<td width="100%" height="3"></td>


<td width="100%" height="2"></td>
<td width="100%" height="1" valign="top">

<td width="604" height="134" valign="top">
%> <br><br><br><center>
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<td width="1%" valign="top" height="26" bgcolor="#BBD6EF">
&nbsp;</td><td width="74%" height="26" bgcolor="#BBD6EF"><font size='2' face='ms sans serif'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Showing <%=iFrom%> - <%=iTo%> over <%=n%> Stocks </font></td>
<td width="53" height="18" bgcolor="#BBD6EF" align="right"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=" width="100%" height='17'><param name=movie value="/stocks/images/arrow_ani.swf"></object></td>
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<td width="25%" rowspan="6" valign="top">
<td width="150" rowspan="6" height="100">

<td width="250" height="25"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#3366FF">Name</font></b></td>
<td width="200"><font face='verdana' color='#360049' size='2'>
<bean:write name="displayresult" property="bankname"/> </font>
<td width="250" height="25"><b>
<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#3366FF">Price</font></b></td>
<td width="200"><font face='verdana' color='#360049' size='2'>
<b> $ <bean:write name="displayresult" property="price"/> </b>
<td width="250" height="25"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#3366FF">Profit Margin</font></b></td>
<td width="200"><font face='verdana' color='#360049' size='2'>
<bean:write name="displayresult" property="profit"/>

<td width="250" height="25"><b><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#3366FF">Market Capitalization</font></b></td>
<td width="200"><font face='verdana' color='#360049' size='2'>
$ <bean:write name="displayresult" property="capital"/>
<td width="250" height="25"><b>
<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#3366FF">Trailing P/E Ratio</font></b></td>
<td width="200"><font face='verdana' color='#360049' size='2'>
<bean:write name="displayresult" property="trailing"/>

<td width="250" height="25"><b>
<font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#3366FF">Gross Profit</font></b></td>
<td width="200"><font face='verdana' color='#360049' size='2'>
$ <bean:write name="displayresult" property="gross"/>

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<td width="2%" height="321">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="281%" height="321" valign="top">
<font size="2" face="Microsoft Sans Serif"><br>
<font color="#666666">As of late June the stock market is down 1.6% year-to-date and only up 1.4% in the past 12 months; by comparison real-estate median prices have soared 15.1% in the past year.<br>

<br>Some optimistic analysts have suggested 2005 may repeat the 2004 pattern of a sluggish 1st 6 months followed by a rallying latter 6 months. However historical research suggests that recovery pattern is NOT typical; in fact, what is more commonplace is a stagnant summer of languishing stock market prices. A June 22nd Wall Street Journal article entitled “Stocks Won’t Always Laugh Over $60 Oil” suggests that the inevitable inflation and rising interest rates forthcoming with higher energy costs will ultimately take its toll and the stock market will actually decline.<br>

<br>But we at BuyingBuzz are more confident. Globalization and competition should maintain a rein on inflation. We believe a spurt similar to the one a decade ago is on the horizon. Greenspan has raised interest rates 2 % over the past year and appears satisfied that is enough. The decade ago lesson we remind readers of is “that when the Fed stops, the BULLS run” The S&P 500 54% runup from December 1994 to May 1996 followed a period of 7 interest rate hikes that ensued in 1993/4 and then stopped.<br>

<br>Our confidence is buoyed by recognition of the demographics that influence the market.
Share Ownership 2000 ( reported that 84 million or 43% of the adult US population held shares in 1999. The 84 million figure was up 21% over 1994 and 61% over 1989. The increased participation in self-directed employee retirement accounts , growing use of stock options for employees and the popularity of equity mutual funds has contributed to the surge. And an oft-overlooked factor is the propensity for stock ownership to increase linearly with rising age and income; the great percentage of the US population is in the baby-boom stage that historically has been most active in the marketplace. Add to these influences the impact of online day-trading, the prospects of some form of Social Security privatization and even the education of the young regarding the stock market and one can understand our confident perspective. On the latter point, the education of the young, we were pleasantly surprised to find a cute Public Broadcasting System “Investing 101" class at
So this leads to the question where to invest? We follow more than 35 industry markets and try to diversify our portfolios. But one hint to follow is to track the “average age” that the automotive industry has always used to project new car sales; once the average age of vehicle registrations reaches 7 years one can rest assured that consumers will dive into the new car market instead of continuing to repair old ones. We perceive the PC hardware industry is about to experience a golden revival as people seek replacements for their older models equipped with obsolete operating systems. Multiple ownership of PCs is becoming far more prevalent within households. And the increasing number of gamers contributes for they are the “heavy hitters” of the PC industry, trading up often, to acquire the speed and storage to run the sexier, newer games. The medical equipment industry is another investment area as we envision defibrillator demand to soar. Stay tuned for BuyingBuzz updates on this site and good luck.<br> </font></font>

<p><font color="#666666" size="2" face="Microsoft Sans Serif">&nbsp; </font>
<td width="5%" height="321" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>



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Thanks in advance.

Post the route cause or the exception that will help.

Hi venur here it is


javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor75.invoke(Unknown Source)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

root cause

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission accessDeclaredMembers)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor75.invoke(Unknown Source)
java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

At first sight looks like a permission problem. Maybe any policy file missing?

Thanks Dian for looking at this.

Help me to solve this issue.
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