I'm trying to get a text scroller to wrok on a site, and it works fine in IE, but isn't visable in FF. Is this type of scroller on usable in IE?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
"[URL unfurl="true"]http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">[/URL]
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">
<!-- Original: Ernst Straka (ernst.straka@central-europe.basf.org) -->
<!-- Web Site: [URL unfurl="true"]http://www.rs-systems.at/straka[/URL] -->
<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! [URL unfurl="true"]http://javascript.internet.com[/URL] -->
<!-- Begin
var l1 = 10; // left of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var t1 = 125; // top of ticker in pixel, or 0 to position relative
var w1 = 600; // width of ticker in pixel
var ie = document.all ? true : false;
var first = true;
var l2 = l1 + w1;
var l3 = l1 - l2;
var l = l2;
function tickinit() {
if (ie) {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.all['tickpos'];
l1 = getLeft(pos);
t1 = getTop(pos);
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
else {
if (l1 == 0 && t1 == 0) {
pos = document.anchors['tickpos'];
l1 = pos.x;
t1 = pos.y;
document.ticktext.pageY = t1;
l2 = l1 + w1;
l3 = l1 - l2;
l = l2;
setInterval('tick()', 10);
function getLeft(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetLeft + getLeft(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetLeft);
function getTop(ll) {
if (ll.offsetParent)
return (ll.offsetTop + getTop(ll.offsetParent));
return (ll.offsetTop);
function tick() {
l = l - 0.5;
if (l < l3) l = l2;
cl = l1 - l;
cr = l2 - l;
if (ie) {
ticktext.style.posLeft = l;
ticktext.style.posTop = t1;
ticktext.style.clip = "rect(auto "+cr+"px auto "+cl+"px)";
if (first) ticktext.style.visibility = "visible";
else {
document.ticktext.pageX = l;
document.ticktext.clip.left = cl;
document.ticktext.clip.right = cr;
if (first) document.ticktext.visibility = "show";
first = false;
// End -->
<body OnLoad="tickinit()">
<a name="tickpos"> </a>
<div id="ticktext" style=" position:absolute; font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:14pt; font-style:italic; color:#339933; visibility:hidden;">
<b><nobr>The art of knowing..... the science of ingredients.</nobr></b>