Does anyone know if javascript have a math function that will round a floating decimal number to the tenth, hundredth...etc., position? The Math.Round() rounds it to an integer. I don't want an integer.
for some reason the ^ operator isn't always an Math operator... it's also a bitwise exclusive or operator. this is what i use.
Number.prototype.toDec = function(p)
var x = Math.pow(10, p);
var y = Math.round(this * x)/x;
return y;
you use it like this:
var y = 100.7896;
y = y.toDec(2);
y will be 100.79
the above function won't round to decimals place if it doesn't have enough digits... so, i use this function... it returns a string, but, it's the only way to format a number with extra 0's on the end.
Number.prototype.toDec = function(e)
var x, y, boo, bo;
x = Math.pow(10,e);
y = new String(Math.round(this * x)/x);
boo = (y.indexOf("." > -1)?(y.split("."[1].length == e)?false:true:true;
bo = (y.indexOf("." > -1)?false:true;
if(bo){y+=".";for(var i = 0; i < e; i++){y+="0";}}
boo = e - y.split("."[1].length;
for(var i = 0; i < boo; i++){y+="0";}
return y;
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