I have a script that used to work with IE6 some of the workstations got upgrated with IE7 and now my javascript does not work. for the life of me I cannot see what is wrong with it.
any help would be very much appreciated
I have a script that used to work with IE6 some of the workstations got upgrated with IE7 and now my javascript does not work. for the life of me I cannot see what is wrong with it.
function initialize()
document.forms['form'].elements['email'].value = temp ;
<script type=text/javascript>
function openoutlook()
var S=document.form.customer.value;
var B=document.form.comments2.value;
var M=document.form.email.value;
var A= <% = request.querystring("id") %>
var url = '[URL unfurl="true"]http://myweb/view1.asp?id='[/URL] + escape(A);
self.location="mailto:abc@mysite.com?subject=An Update Has Been Made To abc Project # "+A+" By "+M+"&body="+M+" Updated Project # "+A+" . Here is the link to the project "+url;
any help would be very much appreciated