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JavaScript img tag DOM question 1

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Jul 21, 2003
I am currently using the following code to call up images but the code works only in IE. Is there a way to code it so it works both in Netscape 6/7 and IE????

<img name=&quot;myImg&quot; src=&quot;javascript:document.myImg.src='assets/' + variable + '/imagename.gif'&quot;>

Maybe use Javascript.

var thePicA = new Image();
thePicA.src = &quot;assets/A/imagename.gif&quot;;

var thePicB = new Image();
thePicB.src = &quot;assets/B/imagename.gif&quot;;

var variable = &quot;B&quot;;

<img name=&quot;myImg&quot; src=&quot;javascript:document.myImg.src=eval('thePic' + variable + '.src')&quot;>

thanks. I tried you eval method, but no luck. Netscape 6 and 7 don't seem to support any form of javascript shorthand within the src attribute of an img tag. I can't get ANYTHING written with Javascript successfully in the src attribute for NS 6/7.

Thanks tho

using DOM:

<img id=&quot;myImg&quot; src=&quot;&quot;/>

<script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;>
document.getElementById(&quot;myImg&quot;).src = 'assets/' + variable + '/imagename.gif';

try { succeed(); } catch(E) { tryAgain(); }
I may be wrong but O think you're going about it the wrong way...

right now, you have an HTML IMG tag as follows:
<img name=&quot;myImg&quot; src=&quot;javascript:document.myImg.src='assets/' + variable + '/imagename.gif'&quot;>

I don't think you can use variables in a straight HTML document. In order to make this work, you'd have to write your page in some other scripting language like PERL, PHP, etc. Then, I think you'd have more luck by declaring the SRC value as a variable and calling the IMG tag like this:
<img name=&quot;myImg&quot; src=variable> where variable is &quot;assets/<something>/imagename.gif&quot;.

As another thought, you might also try something like this:
<img name=&quot;myImg&quot; src=&quot;javascript:imgSource()&quot;> where the SRC value is a javascript function and the function where the fnction determines the SRC value, or the SRC value is passed to the function: <img name=&quot;myImg&quot; src=&quot;javascript:imgSource(A)&quot;>.

I haven't tried either of these but I think this will put you on the right track.

There's always a better way. The fun is trying to find it!

thanks. You are most studly! This is the best solution (out of about a 100 variations) that I have tried.


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