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javascript conversion

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May 24, 2001
I have some javascript that evaluate the id of objects in an html page by using getElementById in jscript.

I'd like to convert this script to work in flash, however, flash doesn't have a compareable handler that will report all the odjects values? _root.form.textfield.??????

does it?

if it does, and I'm just forgetting something, please let me know.

below is the jscript?


function writeit (text, id) {
if (document.getElementById) {
x = document.getElementById(id);
if (x != null) {
x.innerHTML = text;
} else if (document.all) {
x = document.all[id];
x.innerHTML = text;
} else if (document.layers) {
x = document.layers[id];

You could use a for...in loop to cycle through the objects on a movie's timeline and return values associated with them.


for (var prop in _root){
if (typeof _root[prop]=="movieclip"){

...will set the horizontal positions of all the movieclips on the main timeline to the left hand side of the screen. You could run a similar process on a "form" movieclip...

for(var prop in form){
if (form[prop]==""){
errorMessage="Please fill in all fields";

(Although the above code would have to be extended to check that the property was a textfield before you run the empty string comparison).


very good,

however, I need to call this code from within a function, because I write values to the text fields (in javascript)
to a table cell associated with an id.

works great in jaascript, howver I'd like to do the same thing in actionscript.

I'm not sure if a "for" or "while" would do this.

here is the complete javascript code:

let me know what you think

var month = 1;
var monthly_signups = 2;
this.retensionComboBoxMC.retention_rate1 = 50;
// ////////////////////////////
// ///////////////////tool base
// ///////////////////////////
_price_per_case = 120;
// number of dollars per case of juice
_currency_symbol = "$";
// symbol for dollars
_currency_places = 2;
// so the 52 shows up in, 40.52
_existing_dist_symbol = "E*";
_new_dist_symbol = "N ";
prev_ps_cas_existing_dist = new Array(8);
// on a per month basis
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist = new Array(8);
// on a per month basis
prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist = new Array(8);
// differs from prev_ps_cas_existing_dist in that it only contains the fast start bonus dists
new_ps_cas_fsb_dist = new Array(8);
prev_total_dist = new Array(8);
prev_cats_sent = new Array(8);
dist_uni_bonus = new Array(8);
dist_fsb_bonus = new Array(5);
dist_ret_rate = new Array(8);
existing_dist_ret = 0;
t_ps_cas_fsb = "";
_distributors_per_month = 2;
_retention_rate = .5;
_buyer_retention_rate = .5;
_conversion_rate = .5;
_fractioned_distributors = 0;
_month_limit = 24;
_cats_per_month_limit = 25;
_max_distributors_per_month = 10;
_total_dist = 0;
_total_cats = 0;
_monthly_signups_changed = false;
_signup_rate = .1;
_cat_response_rate = .1;
_cats_per_month = 25;
_cat_new_buyers = 0;
_cat_existing_buyers = 0;
_cat_total_buyers = 0;
_cat_retail_profit = 0;
_cat_personal_rebate_profit = 0;
_cat_fsb_profit = 0;
_cat_total_profit = 0;
_average_sale_per_cat = 120;
uni_bonus = new Array(8);
uni_bonus[0] = .01;
uni_bonus[1] = .05;
uni_bonus[2] = .05;
uni_bonus[3] = .06;
uni_bonus[4] = .06;
uni_bonus[5] = .07;
uni_bonus[6] = .07;
uni_bonus[7] = .08;
fsb_bonus = new Array(5);
fsb_bonus[0] = .2;
fsb_bonus[1] = .05;
fsb_bonus[2] = .05;
fsb_bonus[3] = .05;
fsb_bonus[4] = .1;
_month = 0;
var totalCalcs = 2;
changed = false;
debug = false;
// /////////////////////////////
// ////////////////////////////
function rollOver (whichCalc, whichImg, onOff) {
var theImg = eval("parent.c"+whichCalc+"arrow"+whichImg);
theImg.src = "images/calc_btn"+whichImg+onOff+".gif";
function swapCalc (whichOne) {
for (i=1; i<=totalCalcs; i++) {
var theLayer = eval(&quot;parent.all.calc&quot;+i);
if (i == whichOne) {
theLayer.style.visibility = &quot;visible&quot;;
} else {
theLayer.style.visibility = &quot;hidden&quot;;
function init () {
// tabContents.innerHTML = t1Contents.innerHTML;
// parameter_cell.innerHTML = parent.all(&quot;t3ParamContents&quot;).innerHTML + parent.all(&quot;t1ParamContents&quot;).innerHTML;
// retRateParam.innerHTML = parent.all(&quot;t1RetRate&quot;).innerHTML;
// initTab('t1');
// this will have to change as more tabs work
// parent.all['back_one_month'].disabled = true;
// markOptionSelected(parent.all['retention_rate1'], _retention_rate);
// markOptionSelected(parent.all['cat_response_rate'], _cat_response_rate);
// markOptionSelected(parent.all['conversion_rate'], _conversion_rate);
// parent.all['monthly_signups'].value=_distributors_per_month;
// *
// * Convenience method for marking a particular option as selected in a form
function markOptionSelected (form, valueToBeSelected) {
formOptions = form.options;
for (var t = 0; t<formOptions.length; t++) {
formOptions[t].selected = (formOptions[t].value == valueToBeSelected) ? true : false;
// * Called from within initTab to ensure that monthly signups are carried across
function setMonthlySignups () {
if (!_monthly_signups_changed) {
this.monthly_signups = eval(_signup_rate*_cats_per_month);
_distributors_per_month = parent.getElementById('monthly_signups').value;
} else {
this.monthly_signups = _distributors_per_month;
_monthly_signups_changed = false;
// *
// * The entire calculation for the Catalog Multiplication Tool
function calculateCatProfit (month) {
// calculate total buyers
_cat_new_buyers = _cats_per_month*_cat_response_rate;
_cat_existing_buyers = 0;
var t_buyers = _cat_new_buyers;
for (var t = 1; t<month; t++) {
t_buyers = eval(t_buyers*_buyer_retention_rate);
_cat_existing_buyers = eval(_cat_existing_buyers+t_buyers);
_cat_total_buyers = eval(_cat_new_buyers+_cat_existing_buyers);
// calculate profits
_cat_retail_profit = eval(.3*_average_sale_per_cat*_cat_total_buyers);
_cat_personal_rebate_profit = eval(.2*.5*_cat_retail_profit);
_cat_fsb_profit = eval(_conversion_rate*_cat_total_buyers*_price_per_case*fsb_bonus[0]);
_cat_total_profit = eval(_cat_personal_rebate_profit+_cat_retail_profit+_cat_fsb_profit);
// *
// * Called by every change in month, retention rate, monthly signups
// * Manages whether we should go back, or forward in calculating (which way is faster)
function iterate (month) {
if (this.month>_month_limit) {
if (_distributors_per_month>_max_distributors_per_month) {
_distributors_per_month = _max_distributors_per_month;
this.monthly_signups = _max_distributors_per_month;
if (_cats_per_month>_cats_per_month_limit) {
_cats_per_month = _cats_per_month_limit;
this.cats_per_month = _cats_per_month_limit;
if (month == 0) {
if (changed) {
_month = 0;
for (z=_month; z<month; z++) {
// we only want to clear everything if there is something to clear
if (month<9) {
// iterate_back_and_forward(0);
changed = false;
if (month<_month) {
// we're going back
// find out if it's fastest to go back or to start over
if ((_month-month)<month) {
// iterate back
if (month<9) {
for (h=_month; h>month; h--) {
if (month<9) {
} else {
// start from the beginning
_month = 0;
// clear everything
for (z=1; z<=month; z++) {
} else if (month>_month) {
for (z=_month; z<month; z++) {
// we only want to clear everything if there is something to clear
if (month<9) {
} else if (month == _month) {
function clearCells()
for (m = 1; m < 9; m++)
writeit('', 'dist_ret_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_cas_fsb_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_cas_uni_' + m);
writeit('', 'fs_bonus_' + m);
writeit('', 'uni_bonus_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_dist_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_cat_sent_' + m);
function iterate_back_and_forward (back) {
t_total = _month*_distributors_per_month;
var t_ret_rate = '';
var t_fsb_bonus = '';
var t_uni_bonus = '';
if (_month == 1) {
t_fsb_bonus = _distributors_per_month*_price_per_case*fsb_bonus[0];
t_ret_rate = _distributors_per_month+_new_dist_symbol;
t_ps_cas_fsb = _distributors_per_month;
new_ps_cas_fsb_dist[0] = t_ps_cas_fsb;
prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[0] = 0;
} else {
t_ret_rate = _distributors_per_month+_existing_dist_symbol+_distributors_per_month+_new_dist_symbol;
existing_dist_ret = _distributors_per_month;
prev_ps_cas_existing_dist[0] = _distributors_per_month;
t_ps_cas_fsb = _distributors_per_month*2;
new_ps_cas_fsb_dist[0] = t_ps_cas_fsb;
t_fsb_bonus = _distributors_per_month*2*_price_per_case*fsb_bonus[0];
prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[0] = t_ps_cas_fsb;
dist_fsb_bonus[0] = t_fsb_bonus;
writeit(formatMoney(t_fsb_bonus), 'fs_bonus_1');
writeit(t_ret_rate, 'dist_ret_1');
dist_ret_rate[0] = t_ret_rate;
writeit(formatNumber(t_ps_cas_fsb), 'ps_cas_fsb_1');
var t_ps_cas_uni = t_total-(_distributors_per_month*2);
if (t_ps_cas_uni<=0) {
writeit('--', 'ps_cas_uni_1');
t_ps_cas_uni = 0;
} else {
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[0] = t_ps_cas_uni;
writeit(t_ps_cas_uni, 'ps_cas_uni_1');
t_uni_bonus = eval(t_ps_cas_uni*_price_per_case*uni_bonus[0]);
dist_uni_bonus[0] = t_uni_bonus;
writeit(formatMoney(t_uni_bonus), 'uni_bonus_1');
// for the Distributor Multiplication Tab
_total_dist = eval(t_ps_cas_fsb*1+t_ps_cas_uni*1);
prev_total_dist[0] = _total_dist;
writeit(formatNumber(_total_dist), 'ps_dist_1');
prev_cats_sent[0] = eval(unFormatNumber(_total_dist)*_cats_per_month);
writeit(formatNumber(prev_cats_sent[0]), 'ps_cat_sent_1');
for (m=2; m<=8 && _month != 1; m++) {
// calculate how many new distributors there will be
var f = (t_ps_cas_uni>0) ? parseInt(t_ps_cas_uni) : 0;
var g = (existing_dist_ret>0) ? parseInt(existing_dist_ret) : 0;
new_dist_ret = eval(f+g)*_distributors_per_month*_retention_rate;
_fractioned_distributors += eval(new_dist_ret%1);
new_dist_ret += _fractioned_distributors;
_fractioned_distributors = eval(new_dist_ret%1);
new_dist_ret = new_dist_ret-_fractioned_distributors;
if ((m == 2 && _month == 2) || new_dist_ret == 0) {
new_dist_ret = _distributors_per_month;
new_ps_cas_fsb_dist[m-1] = new_dist_ret;
// this is where goBack() and goForward() go
if (back) {
t_ps_cas_uni = goBack(t_ps_cas_uni, m);
} else {
t_ps_cas_uni = goForward(t_ps_cas_uni, m);
t_dist_ret = &quot;&quot;;
// now write everything to the dhtml
if (debug) {
if (existing_dist_ret>0) {
t_dist_ret = formatNumber(existing_dist_ret)+_existing_dist_symbol;
// prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[m-1] = existing_dist_ret;
if (new_dist_ret>0) {
t_dist_ret = t_dist_ret+' '+formatNumber(new_dist_ret)+_new_dist_symbol;
if (t_dist_ret != '') {
dist_ret_rate[m-1] = t_dist_ret;
writeit(t_dist_ret, 'dist_ret_'+m);
if (t_ps_cas_fsb>0) {
writeit(formatNumber(t_ps_cas_fsb), 'ps_cas_fsb_'+m);
_total_dist = t_ps_cas_fsb;
prev_total_dist[m-1] = _total_dist;
prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[m-1] = _total_dist;
if (m<6) {
t_fsb_bonus = eval(t_ps_cas_fsb*_price_per_case*fsb_bonus[m-1]);
dist_fsb_bonus[m-1] = t_fsb_bonus;
writeit(formatMoney(t_fsb_bonus), 'fs_bonus_'+m);
if (t_ps_cas_uni>0) {
writeit(formatNumber(t_ps_cas_uni), 'ps_cas_uni_'+m);
_total_dist = eval(_total_dist+t_ps_cas_uni);
prev_total_dist[m-1] = _total_dist;
t_uni_bonus = eval(t_ps_cas_uni*_price_per_case*uni_bonus[m-1]);
dist_uni_bonus[m-1] = t_uni_bonus;
writeit(formatMoney(t_uni_bonus), 'uni_bonus_'+m);
// for the Distributor Multiplication Tool
writeit(formatNumber(_total_dist), 'ps_dist_'+m);
prev_cats_sent[m-1] = unFormatNumber(_total_dist)*_cats_per_month;
writeit(formatNumber(prev_cats_sent[m-1]), 'ps_cat_sent_'+m);
// if we have an existing distributor retention of 0 and the number of
// new distributors retained is equal to the number of distributors per month
// we're done calculating
if (existing_dist_ret<=0 && (new_dist_ret == _distributors_per_month)) {
// calculate all of the totals
// *
// * Makes sure everything is written when a particular tab is displayed
function writeEverything (tabId) {
if (tabId == 't1') {
// if this is the first tab, only write the number of distributors
for (var rw = 1; rw<9; rw++) {
if (prev_total_dist[rw-1]>0) {
writeit(formatNumber(prev_total_dist[rw-1]), 'ps_dist_'+rw);
writeit(formatNumber(prev_cats_sent[rw-1]), 'ps_cat_sent_'+rw);
} else {
writeit(' ', 'ps_dist_'+rw);
writeit(formatNumber(_total_dist), 'total_dist');
writeit(formatNumber(_total_cats), 'dist_total_cats');
if (tabId == 't2') {
writeit(formatNumber(_cat_new_buyers), 'cat_new_buyers');
writeit(formatNumber(_cat_existing_buyers), 'cat_existing_buyers');
writeit(formatNumber(_cat_total_buyers), 'cat_total_buyers');
writeit(formatMoney(_cat_retail_profit), 'cat_retail_profit');
writeit(formatMoney(_cat_personal_rebate_profit), 'cat_personal_rebate_profit');
writeit(formatMoney(_cat_fsb_profit), 'cat_fsb_profit');
writeit(formatMoney(_cat_total_profit), 'cat_total_profit');
if (tabId == 't3') {
// alert(&quot;We're writing everything in tab3&quot;);
for (var rw = 1; rw<9; rw++) {
if (dist_fsb_bonus[rw-1]>0) {
writeit(formatMoney(dist_fsb_bonus[rw-1]), 'fsb_bonus_'+rw);
if (dist_ret_rate[rw-1] != '') {
writeit(dist_ret_rate[rw-1], 'dist_ret_'+rw);
var t_total = eval(prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[rw-1]);
if (t_total>0) {
writeit(t_total, 'ps_cas_fsb_'+rw);
if (prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[rw-1]>0) {
writeit(prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[rw-1], 'ps_cas_uni_'+rw);
if (dist_uni_bonus[rw-1]>0) {
writeit(formatMoney(dist_uni_bonus[rw-1]), 'uni_bonus_'+rw);
// *
// * Formats money, according to the specified places, using commas, etc.
function formatMoney (money) {
// money = MoneyFormatWithCommas(money);
money = new NumberFormat(money);
return money.toFormatted();
// *
// * Formats a number using commas
function formatNumber (number) {
number = new NumberFormat(number);
return number.toFormatted();
// *
// * Formats a number without commas, also rounds
function unFormatNumber (number) {
number = new NumberFormat(number);
return number.toFormatted();
// *
// * Resets all necessary global variables
function initAll () {
// initialize everything
for (p=0; p<8; p++) {
prev_ps_cas_existing_dist[p] = 0;
prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[p] = 0;
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[p] = 0;
dist_uni_bonus[p] = 0;
new_ps_cas_fsb_dist[p] = 0;
prev_total_dist[p] = 0;
dist_ret_rate[p] = 0;
prev_cats_sent[p] = 0;
for (p=0; p<5; p++) {
dist_fsb_bonus[p] = 0;
// *
// * Clears a form from a number down. Used when going back in the month, and less cells in the table are needed
function clearFromNumberDown (number) {
number = parseInt(number);
if (debug) {
for (m = number; m < 9; m++)
if (debug) alert(&quot;m=&quot; + m);
writeit('', 'dist_ret_' + m);
writeit(';', 'ps_cas_fsb_' + m);
writeit('', 'fs_bonus_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_cas_uni_' + m);
writeit('', 'uni_bonus_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_dist_' + m);
writeit('', 'ps_cat_sent_' + m);
// On the 12th month are the 8th rows of unilevel stuff filled in
// if we're less than or equal to the 11th month, we don't want to clear anything, or get a javascript error
if (debug) {
if (number<=10) {
// if the number is less than or equal to 10, we can clear both the 1st and the 2nd table fields back
if (number<=9 && number>1) {
writeit('', 'ps_cas_uni_'+eval(number-1));
writeit('', 'uni_bonus_'+eval(number-1));
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[eval(number-2)] = 0;
dist_uni_bonus[eval(number-2)] = 0;
if (number>2) {
writeit(' ', 'ps_cas_uni_'+eval(number-2));
writeit(' ', 'uni_bonus_'+eval(number-2));
if (number>2) {
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[eval(number-3)] = 0;
dist_uni_bonus[eval(number-3)] = 0;
// from number-1 because these fields are on a 0-based index
for (p=number-1; p<8; p++) {
prev_ps_cas_existing_dist[p] = 0;
prev_ps_cas_fsb_existing_dist[p] = 0;
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[p] = 0;
dist_uni_bonus[p] = 0;
new_ps_cas_fsb_dist[p] = 0;
prev_total_dist[p] = 0;
prev_cats_sent[p] = 0;
dist_ret_rate[p] = 0;
for (p=number-1; p<5; p++) {
dist_fsb_bonus[p] = 0;
// *
// * Calculates totals for the Income Scenario Modeling Tool
function calculateTotals () {
var fsb = 0;
var usb = 0;
var retail_profit = 48;
for (y=0; y<5; y++) {
fsb += dist_fsb_bonus[y];
for (y=0; y<8; y++) {
usb += dist_uni_bonus[y];
var grand_total = fsb+usb+retail_profit;
var paid_coral = eval(dist_uni_bonus[0]+dist_uni_bonus[1]+dist_uni_bonus[2]+dist_uni_bonus[3]);
paid_coral += eval(dist_fsb_bonus[0]+dist_fsb_bonus[1]+dist_fsb_bonus[2]+dist_fsb_bonus[3]+dist_fsb_bonus[4])+retail_profit;
var paid_jade = eval(dist_uni_bonus[4]+dist_uni_bonus[5]);
var paid_pearl = dist_uni_bonus[6];
var paid_diamond = dist_uni_bonus[7];
// calculate the total number of distributors through all generations
// and the number of catalogs sent by those dists
_total_dist = 0;
_total_cats = 0;
for (var t = 0; t<8 && t<_month; t++) {
// alert(&quot;prev_total_dist[&quot; + t + &quot;]=&quot; + prev_total_dist[t]);
_total_dist = eval(_total_dist+round(prev_total_dist[t]));
// _total_cats = eval(_total_cats + prev_total_dist[t] * _cats_per_month);
_total_cats = _total_dist*_cats_per_month;
writeit(formatMoney(retail_profit), 'retail_profit');
writeit(formatMoney(usb), 'unilevel_commission');
writeit(formatMoney(fsb), 'fsb_total');
writeit(formatMoney(grand_total), 'total');
writeit(formatMoney(paid_coral), 'paid_coral');
writeit(formatMoney(paid_jade), 'paid_jade');
writeit(formatMoney(paid_pearl), 'paid_pearl');
writeit(formatMoney(paid_diamond), 'paid_diamond');
writeit(formatNumber(_total_dist), 'total_dist');
writeit(formatNumber(_total_cats), 'dist_total_cats');
function round (val) {
var factor;
var i;
// round to a certain precision
factor = 1;
for (i=0; i<this.places; i++) {
factor *= 10;
val *= factor;
val = Math.round(val);
val /= factor;
return (val);
// *
// * For when the month is increased
function goForward (t_ps_cas_uni, m) {
// calculate number of existing distributors
existing_dist_ret = t_ps_cas_uni;
// calculate how many distributors are in unilevel for this iteration
// get the number of existing distributors from the previous month
// added to the current number of uni_level distributors
t_ps_cas_uni = prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[m-1]+prev_ps_cas_existing_dist[m-1];
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[m-1] = t_ps_cas_uni;
if (debug) {
// copy the existing_dist for the next generation
prev_ps_cas_existing_dist[m-1] = existing_dist_ret;
// calculate how many personally sponsored FSB CAS distributors there will be
var t = (existing_dist_ret>0) ? existing_dist_ret : 0;
var s = (new_dist_ret>0) ? new_dist_ret : 0;
t_ps_cas_fsb = eval((t*1)+(s*1));
// new_ps_cas_fsb_dist[m-1] = t_ps_cas_fsb;
t_dist_ret = &quot;&quot;;
return t_ps_cas_uni;
// *
// * For when the month is decreased
function goBack (t_ps_cas_uni, m) {
// calculate number of existing distributors
if (debug) {
if (t_ps_cas_uni>0) {
existing_dist_ret = t_ps_cas_uni;
} else {
existing_dist_ret = 0;
// keep prev_ps_ stuff updated
prev_ps_cas_existing_dist[m-1] = existing_dist_ret;
t_ps_cas_uni = prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[m-1]-existing_dist_ret;
// keep prev_ps_ stuff updated
prev_ps_cas_uni_dist[m-1] = t_ps_cas_uni;
// calculate how many personally sponsored FSB CAS distributors there will be
var t = (existing_dist_ret>0) ? existing_dist_ret : 0;
var s = (new_dist_ret>0) ? new_dist_ret : 0;
t_ps_cas_fsb = t_ps_cas_fsb=eval((t*1)+(s*1));
// eval(t + s);
return t_ps_cas_uni;
function writeit (text, id) {
if (parent.getElementById) {
x = parent.getElementById(id);
if (x != null) {
x.innerHTML = text;
} else if (parent.all) {
x = parent.all[id];
x.innerHTML = text;
} else if (parent.layers) {
x = parent.layers[id];
function increaseMonth () {
this.month = _month;
function decreaseMonth () {
this.month = _month;
} jef
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