Hi all,
I try to asynchronously pass a request to a servlet using the XMLHttpRequestObject.
When I use method GET in open(), the request seems to be sent, but the servlet receives an empty(null) request and it returns a default response (not the required one).
When I use method POST, I also try to set the request header using:
XMLHttpRequestObject.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-However, in this case the XMLHttpRequestObject.status = 405. Hence, I'm afraid the request header is not set properly - maybe I set it the wrong way.
When I try to display the response headers using: document.write("Get All Response Headers: " + XMLHttpRequestObject.getAllResponseHeaders);
...the output is:
Get All Response Headers: function getAllResponseHeaders() { [native code] }
If I try to display the changes in the XMLHttpRequestObject status, I get the following output:
OPENED state (1)
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 1
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 2
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
DONE state (4)
state: 4
I read the XMLHttpRequestObject documentation: but I still cannot figure out what the problem is.
I'll be happy if you could give me any hint about what could be wrong or how I can continue debugging. I already ran out of ideas.
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I try to asynchronously pass a request to a servlet using the XMLHttpRequestObject.
When I use method GET in open(), the request seems to be sent, but the servlet receives an empty(null) request and it returns a default response (not the required one).
When I use method POST, I also try to set the request header using:
XMLHttpRequestObject.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-However, in this case the XMLHttpRequestObject.status = 405. Hence, I'm afraid the request header is not set properly - maybe I set it the wrong way.
When I try to display the response headers using: document.write("Get All Response Headers: " + XMLHttpRequestObject.getAllResponseHeaders);
...the output is:
Get All Response Headers: function getAllResponseHeaders() { [native code] }
If I try to display the changes in the XMLHttpRequestObject status, I get the following output:
OPENED state (1)
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 1
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 2
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
LOADING state (3)
DONE state (4)
state: 3
DONE state (4)
state: 4
I read the XMLHttpRequestObject documentation: but I still cannot figure out what the problem is.
I'll be happy if you could give me any hint about what could be wrong or how I can continue debugging. I already ran out of ideas.
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