I have a simple asp file I'm working with that all I want to do is display input from a form on a different page. The page with the form has the text box/area input and a button. Right now I have the button calling a javascript function which will prompt the user with a confirm box then call the .asp file. But when the asp file appears on the screen, the data is not there. I'm outta ideas. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Below is my .asp file code.
<%@ language="javascript" %>
Data from test page
<br />
Response.Write(Request.Form("date" + "!<br />"
</html> wazilian
King of Wazil
<%@ language="javascript" %>
Data from test page
<br />
Response.Write(Request.Form("date" + "!<br />"
</html> wazilian
King of Wazil