I need to upgrade my version of Java (currently 1.1.8) on an AIX version 4.3.3.
oslevel =
oslevel -r = 4330-11
(am I right in thinking that I have successfully upgraded AIX to ML11?)
I have downloaded a JRE130.tar file and have extracted this into its own directory on the server.
What steps do I need to follow to physically 'upgrade' the version so that my applications use 1.3?
which java = /usr/bin/java
java -version = java version "1.1.8"
java -fullversion = java full version "JDK 1.1.8 IBM build a118-20000811 (JIT enabled: jitc V3.1-JDK1.1-20000811)"
Any assistance would be very much appreciated...
I need to upgrade my version of Java (currently 1.1.8) on an AIX version 4.3.3.
oslevel =
oslevel -r = 4330-11
(am I right in thinking that I have successfully upgraded AIX to ML11?)
I have downloaded a JRE130.tar file and have extracted this into its own directory on the server.
What steps do I need to follow to physically 'upgrade' the version so that my applications use 1.3?
which java = /usr/bin/java
java -version = java version "1.1.8"
java -fullversion = java full version "JDK 1.1.8 IBM build a118-20000811 (JIT enabled: jitc V3.1-JDK1.1-20000811)"
Any assistance would be very much appreciated...