I have inherited a java program that extracts data out of an Oracle 9i database and writes a flat file with some data.
I need to make a slight modification to the name of the view that it extracts data from so we can perform some testing.
Unfortunately, I know jack about Java.
I'm thinking there might be something in the environment missing on the Test server. When I try to compile the program, I get the following error:
Anyone able to point me in the direction of what I can look for to see if I'm missing something from my Oracle installation?
{Similar message posted in the Java (Sun) forum}
I need to make a slight modification to the name of the view that it extracts data from so we can perform some testing.
Unfortunately, I know jack about Java.
I'm thinking there might be something in the environment missing on the Test server. When I try to compile the program, I get the following error:
# javac cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class OracleDriver
location: package driver
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
1 error
sag[5079] test2 /usr/SAG/wrk/epic
Anyone able to point me in the direction of what I can look for to see if I'm missing something from my Oracle installation?
{Similar message posted in the Java (Sun) forum}