I have created a simple java object which takes a string and creates a file
This java object has been placed in the jre/lib directory
I intend to call this object using createObject() as follows
The init() function passes on the fileName to create the file object
My question is, what should theFileName be
1. If I want a relative pathname, will the pathname be relative to jre/lib
2. If I want to pass an absolute pathname should I use expandPath()
File newFile = new File(str)
I intend to call this object using createObject() as follows
<cfset obj = createObject("java","fileCreator") />
<cfset obj.init(theFileName) />
The init() function passes on the fileName to create the file object
My question is, what should theFileName be
1. If I want a relative pathname, will the pathname be relative to jre/lib
2. If I want to pass an absolute pathname should I use expandPath()