I need to develop better skills in Java. I want to take a cert test and possibly other tests. It seems there is a ton of sites for preparing for MCSE, yet it seems all I can find on Java and other languages is giving me the "run-around"- except for brainbench.com, which charges $25 for cert prep course, and sun .......
Ooops! I failed to mention, I am poor as dirt and need FREE
training/courses/info etc.
Where do you locate, besides the local library, information which will halp you pass these tests? I am also interested in Perl, ASP, CGI, JavaScript and C++.
If anyone can save me having to find,spend,hustle the high cost of university education I would be happy to be your friend!
Ooops! I failed to mention, I am poor as dirt and need FREE
training/courses/info etc.
Where do you locate, besides the local library, information which will halp you pass these tests? I am also interested in Perl, ASP, CGI, JavaScript and C++.
If anyone can save me having to find,spend,hustle the high cost of university education I would be happy to be your friend!