Technical User
I have an XML document contained in a BSTR and I want to load the xml document using the IXMLDOMDocument2. The problem is that one of the nodes of my XML has inner text that contains a less than sign. If I try to load the XML document using IXMLDOMDocument2->loadXML then it fails to load because of that prohibited character. In JavaScript when you have an MSXML object you can set the text property to a String containing prhibited characters and it will automatically encode them so that the xml document can be successfully parsed. So if I were to use MSXML.text = MyDocWithLessThanSign then it would encode the less than sign as <. Is there some sort of mechanism built into IXMLDOMDocument2 to handle nodes that have inner text containing prohibited characters such as < and &? What would be the best way of handling this situation?
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.