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Iwatsu Adix Administration

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Sep 24, 2002
I am attempting to load the Adix administration software on a different PC. Whe I connect to the Adix system from this software, I can only connect at level 2 whih does not allow me to upload or download system data.

I tried copying my .AFT file to the other computer, but that didn't work. I didn't set up this .AFT file (login file) so I'm not sure how it is configured.

I don't have a database password entered in the login on my old computer and I seem to reall being told that none was applied.

The version of software I have is: 3.2.3

Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

Many Tanks!
I think that the username is anything and the password is "dist". I'll confirm.
I tried that and I was only able to log in with level 2 authority.

Try username: Iwatsu
Password: Dist
I think level 2 is what the distributors get. Level 1 is for the manufacturer only. Level 2 should give you access to almost everything that you would want to change. This is not compatible with anything prior to 6.2x CPU software.
Well, I am at a loss. I can log in, but the buttons to download or upload system data are grayed out. When I try to open an existing database it tells me that an error occured while trying to open the database.

I guess I'll have to try to get a hold of someone from the company that installed it. They are currently out of business.

I'm not too fond of Iwatsu right now.
First, you must create a database. Go to File, New, name a database, choose the software version, then click save. It should open the database. The name of the database will appear in the blue bar on the top of the screen. Then download the system size. Then download the entire database. If you do not have a database open you will not be able to download. After that it's pretty simple.
It sounds like there may be a password assingned to the system. If there is a password it should still let you download, but not upload. Check that both are denied.
OK, I couldn't remember the SW version on the system, but I did notice there was a Database wizard under Tools. I lauched that, opened the database I copied from the other computer and was able to connect and download the system size and classes. It is kind of strange the way the system works.

I appreciate your help!
They're all a little quirky. This is one of my favorite systems though. When you link with the system it will show the software version in the lower left corner of the programmer.
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