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IVR Call flow implementation - Array FSM and other questions

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Technical User
Nov 5, 2007
Hello all!

How are you today?

I've got a few questions i would like to place.

I'm beginning to learn TCL and there are a few things i've yet to understand. Namely, FSM and EVENT / STATUS codes.

About the FSM, someone showed me a drawing that explained the work of the FSM, comparing it to a automatic door action: states like in open and close, state transitions like in opening door because i click the sensor or close door and the end states like in door opened or closed.

So, i want to implement a simple ivr menu where a person would call and liste: "choose your option. 1 or 2". Then the person would choose the option and hear, according to its choice, the corresponding prompt - "you choose 1" or "you choose 2".

Is this better done with FSM ? I mean, i was thinking of having a proc called PLAY_DIGIT_MESSAGE and inside it a cycle with IFS, so IF CHOISE WAS 1 PLAY THIS..something like this.

I think i didnt fully understand the correct function of the FSM nor its states. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

What i currently have is this:


media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
leg collectdigits leg_incoming param


set fsm(any_state,ev_collectdigits_done) "act_GotDest same_state"

that calls

proc act_GotDest { } {
puts "Entrei no proc act_GotDest"
global dest
global status

set status [infotag get evt_status]
if { $status == "cd_005" } {
set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]
puts "$dest"

if { $dest == 1 } {
media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
if { $dest == 2 } {
media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
if { $dest == 3 } {
media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
} else {
call close

is this a good way to start? I've been told i choose use FSM to manage this type of calls. I will have lots of traffic and a second menu. Is this a good start?

--- got some help and comments, so i changed to this ---

Hello again.

I'm been told i could do something like this ( and it would be a lot better )

roc init { } {

global param

set param(maxDigits) 1
set param(initialDigitTimeout) 5
set param(dialPlan) true

array set transition {
Start,1 {Review_submenu Play_review_prompt}
Start,2 {Send_submenu Play_send_prompt}
Review_submenu,1 {Play_menu Play_first_message}



proc act_Setup { } {

puts "enter act_Setup"
global ani
global dnis
global param

#ani - number from where user is calling
set ani [infotag get leg_ani]
#dnis - number to where user is calling
set dnis [infotag get leg_dnis]

leg setupack leg_incoming
leg proceeding leg_incoming
leg connect leg_incoming

media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
leg collectdigits leg_incoming param





# I want to implement this
proc act_GotDest { } {
puts "Entrei no proc act_GotDest"
global dest
global status

set status [infotag get evt_status]
if { $status == "cd_005" } {
set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]
puts "$dest"

if { $dest == 1 } {
media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
if { $dest == 2 } {
media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
if { $dest == 3 } {
media play leg_incoming "tftp://"
} else {
call close

using the fsm system implemented witht the array.



requiredversion 2.0

set fsm(CALL_INIT,ev_setup_indication) "act_Setup MEDIAPLAY"
fsm define fsm CALL_INIT

Any ideas? Inside the === are my questions!

How does the array system work? I mean, i need some kind of cycle to say "hey, keep reading doing this routine until it ends" in order the array to be read everytime or somehing..

And how would i ADD something to the array? and which format....? im completely lost!!


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