I've got the following code for simulation:
class Device
char status;//requesting, held, releasing idle
int time, idleTime, waitingTime;
int requestEnds, heldEnds;
//public Device(int myDevice)
//{ this(myDevice, 0); }
public Device(int theTime, char theStatus)
time = theTime;
status = theStatus;
//waitingTime = 0;
public void next()
switch (status)
case 'R':
requestEnds = time +1;
if (time==requestEnds)
status = 'H';
System.out.println("got the bus"
case 'H':
heldEnds = (int) (500 * Math.random() + 1);
if (time==heldEnds)
status = 'R';
System.out.println("bus realesed"
case 'L':
status = 'I';
System.out.println("device is idle"
case 'I':
idleTime = (int) (10000 * Math.random() + 1);
System.out.println("Idle time is: " + idleTime);
if (time==idleTime)
status = 'R';
System.out.println("device is requesting"
} break;
public void grant()
status = 'H';
public class Bus
char status; //granting, holding
double grantEnds, holdingEnds;
public Bus()
status = 'G';
grantEnds = 0;
public void next(Device d)
switch (status)
{ case 'G': //granting
{ System.out.println("Holding device"
status = 'H';
holdingEnds = (int) (500 * Math.random() + 1);
System.out.println("Holding ends at: " + holdingEnds);
case 'H':
{ System.out.println("Grant next device"
status = 'G';
grantEnds = time + 1;
System.out.println("Grant ends at: " + grantEnds);
//public static final int devicesNo = 20;
public int time;
//Device[] d;
//Bus bus;
public void main(String[] args)
Device[] d = new Device[20];
Bus bus = new Bus();
for(time=0; time<=20; time++)
for(int i=0; i<=20; i++)
d = new Device(time, 'R');
and this is giving me the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
I hope someone could tell me why.
Thanks in advance.
class Device
char status;//requesting, held, releasing idle
int time, idleTime, waitingTime;
int requestEnds, heldEnds;
//public Device(int myDevice)
//{ this(myDevice, 0); }
public Device(int theTime, char theStatus)
time = theTime;
status = theStatus;
//waitingTime = 0;
public void next()
switch (status)
case 'R':
requestEnds = time +1;
if (time==requestEnds)
status = 'H';
System.out.println("got the bus"
case 'H':
heldEnds = (int) (500 * Math.random() + 1);
if (time==heldEnds)
status = 'R';
System.out.println("bus realesed"
case 'L':
status = 'I';
System.out.println("device is idle"
case 'I':
idleTime = (int) (10000 * Math.random() + 1);
System.out.println("Idle time is: " + idleTime);
if (time==idleTime)
status = 'R';
System.out.println("device is requesting"
} break;
public void grant()
status = 'H';
public class Bus
char status; //granting, holding
double grantEnds, holdingEnds;
public Bus()
status = 'G';
grantEnds = 0;
public void next(Device d)
switch (status)
{ case 'G': //granting
{ System.out.println("Holding device"
status = 'H';
holdingEnds = (int) (500 * Math.random() + 1);
System.out.println("Holding ends at: " + holdingEnds);
case 'H':
{ System.out.println("Grant next device"
status = 'G';
grantEnds = time + 1;
System.out.println("Grant ends at: " + grantEnds);
//public static final int devicesNo = 20;
public int time;
//Device[] d;
//Bus bus;
public void main(String[] args)
Device[] d = new Device[20];
Bus bus = new Bus();
for(time=0; time<=20; time++)
for(int i=0; i<=20; i++)
d = new Device(time, 'R');
and this is giving me the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
I hope someone could tell me why.
Thanks in advance.