I've been working on a project in flash5. It has sound and animation on the intro, and then leads to the interface. The whole thing was then published scalable as a windows projector.
The trouble is that I need to run sound and video on some of the pages. I believe that flash can work with Director, but I'm not sure where to begin. Do I need to import the swf into director and place it on the stage as a sprite, or is there some way to get it to work from the flash projector.
I can't use quicktime with Flash, because the page has to be interactive. I've read the tutorial that comes with Director, but no luck there.
Could some kind soul please lead me by the hand here, or least point to some tutorials for Director dummies.
The trouble is that I need to run sound and video on some of the pages. I believe that flash can work with Director, but I'm not sure where to begin. Do I need to import the swf into director and place it on the stage as a sprite, or is there some way to get it to work from the flash projector.
I can't use quicktime with Flash, because the page has to be interactive. I've read the tutorial that comes with Director, but no luck there.
Could some kind soul please lead me by the hand here, or least point to some tutorials for Director dummies.