Ad-Aware is a good tool, but I've seen far to many instances of it screwing up OS's when applied with a heavy hand. muz has already indicated some reluctance in dealing with registry changes, and Ad-Aware will flag registry keys with regularity. Delete the wrong thing and...hope you kept the Quaratine file.
I've used AdAware for years. I usually just run down the list and check everything. It will not force elimination of any key Window file. It is much safer than going into the registry on your own.
Do you know of anyone who has had a bad experience using AdAware?
Yep, a few. That's why I mentioned it.
AdAware's only been around for the last two years, give or take, so you've probably been using about as long as I have.
I haven't fully trusted the product since they bailed on supporting their first effort while working up the current version, leaving thousands of users hanging for months without updates. Many, many tech pros were quite miffed at the issue.
No one said anything about going into the registry, quite the opposite. My goal is to keep the user out, especially when they're timid about it from the get-go.
In my experience, the product runs second to SpyBot as a detection and removal tool. I advocate it as a supplement, but personally seldom, if ever, use it anymore. I'd never advocate, however, "running down the list" and blowing away everything in ANY spyware/malware removal tool.
Spybot is great. I'm sorry, I did not see where you recommended it. I still prefer AdAware, but Spy Bot is great and will do the job. I think we can both recommend that one, so muz can get his comptr cleaned up.
Right on.
I've fallen heavily on Hijack This! logs lately as kind of a personal addiction, I suppose. It lets me see more of the "inner workings" of many of the latest pests.
Thus, I didn't recommend SpyBot out of the chute.
If muz can rectify the hijack with AdAware or SpyBot, then good finish. If not, bring on the scan log...
thanks for everyone's help as usual. I've tried to delete many of the items already and most reloaded. Also, there's allot of programs that are running, i've kept these to a minumum and notron has stopped several viruses
Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7
Scan saved at 5:46:39 PM, on 19-Dec-03
Platform: Windows 98 Gold (Win9x 4.10.1998)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)
I'm deleting the runonce key
default (value not set)
eZstub c:\ezstub.exe
the Run-
Forbes program files\forbes\forbesalerts.exe
MrkWhols program files\startbarticker\market.exe /s
startbarticker program files\startbarticker\startbarticker/startbarticker.exe
weathercast programfiles\weathercast\weather.exe /q
yahoo pager program files\ yahoo\messenger\ypager.exe -quiet
under the explorer bars
bar size c8 00 00 00
bar size a7 00 00 00 00
BAR SIZE 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
BAR SIZE FA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
on right side of TOOLBARS
DEFAULT red icon (ab)
014DA6C9-189F red icon (ab)
2CFOB992-5EEB red icon (ab)
42CDD1BF-3FFB norton antirus red icon (ab)
5F1ABCDB-A875 zero-length binary value BLUE ICON (ouo?)
6EF3AE25-5A7D zero-length binary value BLUE ICON (ouo?)
8E718888-423F-1 00
These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions. Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
Very informative links, especially the docxdesk....
Everyone should know how activeX and DCOM blatantly rape your machine by being allowed to d/l and run.....
I can't believe all the 016's that people have....
These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions. Backup All Important Data/Docs..All involved shall be spared the grief.
these are additional loaded into startup I found through system config utility
Eaas windows\appliication data\aupt.exe
contentservice windows\system\winservn.exe
clocksync program files\clock sync.exe /q
msbb program files\n-cas\msbb.exe
IST serice program files\ISTsvc\istsvc.exe
Updatestats program files\media\media\updatestats.exe
Bargains program files\bargain buddy\bin\bargains.exe
ADGJNQ windows/ADGJNQ.exe
(2CFoB992-5EEB-4143-99cO-5297EF71F444) rundll32.exe C:\windows\system\stlbdist.dll.dllrunmain
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