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ITX10.0 to KAFKA topic connection failire

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Oct 31, 2002
Trying to trigger a ITX10 map to write to Kafka topic and encountering failures. Does anyone have idea how this connection works.
This is m4kafka.mtr file content from the failure
<5374174-2571-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: [MAdapterImpl.MAdapterImpl]
<5374174-2571-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | Created adapter instance: com.hcl.hip.adapters.m4kafka.MAdapterImpl@fcb548c5, command line: -SRV -TP B2bKafkaIntegrationTest -SP SASL_SSL -SM GSSAPI -LCFL /home/b2badmin/kafka_kerberos/login.conf -KCFL /home/b2badmin/kafka_kerberos/krb5.poc.conf -TSL /home/b2badmin/kafka_kerberos/kafka.jks -TSP kafaPOC -TV
<5374174-2571-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: [MAdapterImpl.MAdapterImpl: com.hcl.hip.adapters.m4kafka.MAdapterImpl@fcb548c5] (rc = 0) OK
<5374174-2571-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: [MAdapterImpl.validateProperties]
<5374174-2571-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: [MAdapterImpl.validateProperties] (rc = 0) OK
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: [MConnectionImpl.connect]
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | connect() connection instance: com.hcl.hip.adapters.m4kafka.MConnectionImpl@91ccfc27
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | Connecting to the cluster:
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | Using security protocol: SASL_SSL
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | Using SASL mechanism: GSSAPI
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | [MConnectionImpl.createProducer]
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | | Producer settings:
{security.protocol=SASL_SSL, ssl.truststore.location=/home/b2badmin/kafka_kerberos/kafka.jks, bootstrap.servers=, ssl.truststore.password=kafaPOC, value.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer, buffer.memory=33554432, retries=0, client.id=, key.serializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer, linger.ms=0, sasl.mechanism=GSSAPI, enable.idempotence=false, batch.size=16384, compression.type=none, acks=all}
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | | Setting new context class loader.
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:44 2020>: | | Creating producer...
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:46 2020>: | | Error connecting to the cluster: Failed to construct kafka producer
<5374174-8740-Thu Nov 12 16:35:46 2020>: | | Caught exception: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException
Failed to construct kafka producer: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No serviceName defined in either JAAS or Kafka config: No serviceName defined in either JAAS or Kafka config
org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to construct kafka producer
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.<init>(KafkaProducer.java:433)
at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.<init>(KafkaProducer.java:291)
at com.hcl.hip.adapters.m4kafka.MConnectionImpl.createProducer(MConnectionImpl.java:278)
at com.hcl.hip.adapters.m4kafka.MConnectionImpl.connect(MConnectionImpl.java:122)
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