Technical User
I need to convert my Database into a Textfile.. That works
I need to have that Textfile on a FTP.. That works
Now i need to do it without having that Textfile on my PC.. ermmm??
what i basicly want is this :
NMFTP.Upload(AssignFile (F,Txt_Aangeboden);Rewrite (F);Table1.First;while not Table1.Eof do begin for i := 0 to (Table1.FieldCount - 2) do begin NewString := Table1.Fields.AsString;Trim(NewString);if i > 0 then OldString := OldString + chr(9) + NewString else OldString := NewString;end;Writeln(F,OldString);Table1.Next ;end;CloseFile (F);end;,'aangeboden.txt');
ofcourse this doesn't work..
Streaming (with Delphi4) won't work either, because it uses a file too.. TFileStream.Create('C:\WINNT\SouthPark.bmp', fmOpenRead);
Is it doable?? (without too much of a hassle, i'm still learning Delphi4, 3 weeks ago i couldn't even make a Database )
I need to have that Textfile on a FTP.. That works
Now i need to do it without having that Textfile on my PC.. ermmm??
what i basicly want is this :
NMFTP.Upload(AssignFile (F,Txt_Aangeboden);Rewrite (F);Table1.First;while not Table1.Eof do begin for i := 0 to (Table1.FieldCount - 2) do begin NewString := Table1.Fields.AsString;Trim(NewString);if i > 0 then OldString := OldString + chr(9) + NewString else OldString := NewString;end;Writeln(F,OldString);Table1.Next ;end;CloseFile (F);end;,'aangeboden.txt');
ofcourse this doesn't work..
Streaming (with Delphi4) won't work either, because it uses a file too.. TFileStream.Create('C:\WINNT\SouthPark.bmp', fmOpenRead);
Is it doable?? (without too much of a hassle, i'm still learning Delphi4, 3 weeks ago i couldn't even make a Database )