I recently got a new Exchange 2000 server. My first exchange server was on the same server as AD (Active Directory). Lets call it ADServer. My new server running Exchange only lets call ExServer.
My Exchange on ADServer services are stopped but still loaded. When it was running and there wasn't a ExServer, you could recover your deleted emails for 30 days. Now on ExServer, even though the settings are the same, you can not recover any deleted items in Outlook.
My only work around was setting those limits in AD under Exchange General - Item retention which is used instead of the Exchange Server defualts. And it only worked after Exchange ran a cleanup or something during the evening hours.
But, I don't want to create this item retention everytime I create a new user.
Thanks, Sugada
My Exchange on ADServer services are stopped but still loaded. When it was running and there wasn't a ExServer, you could recover your deleted emails for 30 days. Now on ExServer, even though the settings are the same, you can not recover any deleted items in Outlook.
My only work around was setting those limits in AD under Exchange General - Item retention which is used instead of the Exchange Server defualts. And it only worked after Exchange ran a cleanup or something during the evening hours.
But, I don't want to create this item retention everytime I create a new user.
Thanks, Sugada