We are developing a C#/.NET application. We have on occasions moved our project and source files from one machine to another (from a Windows XP machine to a Windows 2000 machine). On doing so we experience problems.
The first is :
“The dependency ‘Interlop.VBIDE, Version=, Culture=neutral’ in project ‘Project1’ cannot be copied to the run directory because it would overwrite the reference ‘Interlop.VBIDE, Version=, Culture=neutral’.”
The second issue is from a file that makes use of Word Documents – I get errors indicating :
“No overload for ‘Open’ takes ‘10’ arguments”
“No overload for ‘SaveAs’ takes ‘11’ arguments”
In addition following a move of a similar project we had an issue with the Crystal Reports that we were using within the Crystal report viewer component in one of the forms.
I can only assume that the reason for the above issues is down to different versions of the DLL’s being made use of (Word, Crystal, etc).
How can we ensure that when we move the project / source files from one development machine to another we maintain the same versions of these included / required / utilised files such that we can build / run the project on any development machine.
Any help / advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
The first is :
“The dependency ‘Interlop.VBIDE, Version=, Culture=neutral’ in project ‘Project1’ cannot be copied to the run directory because it would overwrite the reference ‘Interlop.VBIDE, Version=, Culture=neutral’.”
The second issue is from a file that makes use of Word Documents – I get errors indicating :
“No overload for ‘Open’ takes ‘10’ arguments”
“No overload for ‘SaveAs’ takes ‘11’ arguments”
In addition following a move of a similar project we had an issue with the Crystal Reports that we were using within the Crystal report viewer component in one of the forms.
I can only assume that the reason for the above issues is down to different versions of the DLL’s being made use of (Word, Crystal, etc).
How can we ensure that when we move the project / source files from one development machine to another we maintain the same versions of these included / required / utilised files such that we can build / run the project on any development machine.
Any help / advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.