Well it's a week of questions for me 
in my excel document i have user data in rows, each row contains a letter depending on the users situation each week for that month. I was hoping to loop though each week and check what letter was in the cell then pass the data to a relevant word bookmark named "Wk1","Wk2" etc.... however i can not get my loop to pass data. outside of my loop i can. i am assuming it's because i am passing a variable value in....but i really don't know. The example below hardly seemsd worth the effort but the case statements are normally long i have shortened them for demo purposes.
Any help is appreciated, as i don't want to have to go back to the long winded way again.
in my excel document i have user data in rows, each row contains a letter depending on the users situation each week for that month. I was hoping to loop though each week and check what letter was in the cell then pass the data to a relevant word bookmark named "Wk1","Wk2" etc.... however i can not get my loop to pass data. outside of my loop i can. i am assuming it's because i am passing a variable value in....but i really don't know. The example below hardly seemsd worth the effort but the case statements are normally long i have shortened them for demo purposes.
Wk1 = Range("D" & SwimmerT.SwimmerRow)
Wk2 = Range("E" & SwimmerT.SwimmerRow)
Wk3 = Range("F" & SwimmerT.SwimmerRow)
Wk4 = Range("G" & SwimmerT.SwimmerRow)
Wk5 = Range("H" & SwimmerT.SwimmerRow)
Dim Counter
Dim wkNo
Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Add(Template:=InvoiceTemplatePath)
For Counter = 1 To util.MaxWeeks
wkNo = "Wk" & CStr(Counter)
With wkNo
Select Case wkNo
Case ""
wordDoc.Bookmarks(wkNo).Range.Text = SwimmerT.SwimmerName
Case "P"
wordDoc.Bookmarks(wkNo).Range.Text = SwimmerT.SwimmerName
Case "A"
wordDoc.Bookmarks(wkNo).Range.Text = SwimmerT.SwimmerName
Case "PH"
wordDoc.Bookmarks(wkNo).Range.Text = SwimmerT.SwimmerName
Case "CF"
wordDoc.Bookmarks(wkNo).Range.Text = SwimmerT.SwimmerName
Case "C"
wordDoc.Bookmarks(wkNo).Range.Text = SwimmerT.SwimmerName
End Select
End With
Next Counter
wordDoc.Bookmarks("Wk2").Range.Text = curMonth
Any help is appreciated, as i don't want to have to go back to the long winded way again.