So I'm trying to use the textwidth function to correctly size a column header of my listview control. However, VBA doesn't seem to recognize this command. Is the TextWidth function not available in VBA? I thought it was a standard function for printing.
Well, You can try banging your head against the wall, but you just end up with lost-time injuries and damaged equipment. [M. Passman]
Dim objColumnHeader As ColumnHeader
Dim itmTagName As ListItem
Dim lvwTags As ListView
Set lvwTags = lvwTagList
Set objColumnHeader = lvwTags.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "TagID", [highlight]textwidth("TagID")[/highlight])
Well, You can try banging your head against the wall, but you just end up with lost-time injuries and damaged equipment. [M. Passman]