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Issue with Report Parameters

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Nov 22, 2007

I have a report that i have inherited from an old database that i have upgraded from 97. The report somehow used to print out the last audit that was completed and print the details but since upgrading the database this no longer works.

I would like the report to prompt for the lab reference before printing the report to ensure that the correct information is printed but i can't seem to get it to work.

The report is based on a table and then code behind to pull through the rest of the information.

There is quite a bit of code relating to the report so i think i may be putting it in the wrong please?

Private Sub print_Click()
Dim print_response As Integer
Dim cond As String, repname As String

cond = DLookup("[macroname]", "Report Names", "[reptitle]=forms![report screen].[reptitle]")
repname = DLookup("[repname]", "Report Names", "[reptitle]=forms![report screen].[reptitle]")

    On Error Resume Next

DoCmd.OpenReport repname, A_NORMAL, , cond

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
On Error GoTo 0
If [reptitle] = "Report Analyses" Then
    print_response = MsgBox("Do you want to mark these Analyses as Printed ?, Y/N", 292, "Analysis Printout")
    If print_response = 6 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "update print flag"
End If

If [reptitle] = "sample logging audit trail" Then
    print_response = MsgBox("Do you want to Update the logging audit file ?, Y/N", 292, "Analysis Printout")
    If print_response = 6 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "update audit print flag"
End If

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Any help on shedding some light on this greatly received.


Try something like:
Private Sub print_Click()
Dim print_response As Integer
Dim cond As String, repname As String

cond = DLookup("[macroname]", "Report Names", "[reptitle]=""" & _
    forms![report screen].[reptitle] & """")
repname = DLookup("[repname]", "Report Names", "[reptitle]=""" & _
    forms![report screen].[reptitle] & """")

    On Error Resume Next

    DoCmd.OpenReport repname, acPreview, , cond

    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    On Error GoTo 0
    If [reptitle] = "Report Analyses" Then
        print_response = MsgBox("Do you want to mark these Analyses as Printed ?,Y/N", _
           292, "Analysis Printout")
        If print_response = 6 Then 
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "update print flag"
        End If
    End If
    If [reptitle] = "sample logging audit trail" Then
        print_response = MsgBox("Do you want to Update the logging audit file ?, Y/N", _
         292, "Analysis Printout")
        If print_response = 6 Then 
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "update audit print flag"
        End If
    End If

    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP

Thank you for the suggestions but this just changes it to print preview - which is great but it still doesnt print the audit information out - i need to somehow get it to find the audit that i want to print and then print it?



This is the rest of the code that i can that relates to the priting of the report - i just cant see how it knew which labref to print before i upgraded it?
Option Compare Database   'Use database order for string comparisons
Dim res As Recordset
Dim st As Recordset
Global lab_ref As String

Sub prepare_title(rep_name As String, SAMP_TYPE As String, Site_ref As String)
Dim samplename As String

Reports(rep_name).[rep_title].Caption = DLookup("[ST_name]", "sample types", "[s_type] = '" & SAMP_TYPE & "'") & " - Analysis Report"

If SAMP_TYPE = "O" Then
Reports(rep_name).[rep_title].Caption = "Sample - Analysis Report"
End If

If Site_ref = "o" Then
    Reports(rep_name).[slash].Visible = False
    Reports(rep_name).[Site].Visible = False
End If

If SAMP_TYPE = "W" Then
    Reports(rep_name).[cont_enq_text].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[cont_enq_text].Caption = "Enquiry"
    Reports(rep_name).[Enquiry].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[producer_text].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[Producer].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[sample point text].Visible = False

End If

If SAMP_TYPE = "A" Then
    Reports(rep_name).[cont_enq_text].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[cont_enq_text].Caption = "Contract"
    Reports(rep_name).[Contract].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[producer_text].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[Producer].Visible = True
End If

    Reports(rep_name).[customer_text].Caption = "Sampler"
    Reports(rep_name).[Site].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[slash].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[sample point text].Visible = True
    Reports(rep_name).[customer_text].Caption = "Customer"
End If

End Sub

Sub print_analysis(LabREF As String, Site As String, suite As String, stype As String, repname As String, Parameterquery)

'   This routine sets all of the test parameters used in suites to
'   invisible, then resets those used by the suite to visible.

'*********  SET VARIABLE AND PARAMETERS *****************
Dim mydb As Database, st As Recordset, res As Recordset, testname As String
Dim myc As Control, tgrp As String, resgrp As String, mysql As String
Dim current_group As String, lab_ref  As String
Dim equivalence  As String, testvalue As Double
Dim testuom As String, comments As String, print_pos As Integer

Set mydb = CurrentDb()
Set st = mydb.OpenRecordset(Parameterquery)
Set res = mydb.OpenRecordset("Results Parameters")

'**********    PREPARE REPORT TITLE   *******************
Call prepare_title(repname, stype, Site)

'*********** SET BOXES TO "M" AND MAKE INVISIBLE ***********
For j = 1 To 44
Reports(r_name)("box" + Str$(j)).Visible = False
Reports(r_name)("box" + Str$(j)).Caption = "M"
Reports(r_name)("eq" + Str$(j)).Visible = False
Reports(r_name)("eq" + Str$(j)).Caption = "M"
Reports(r_name)("val" + Str$(j)).Visible = False
Reports(r_name)("val" + Str$(j)).Value = "M"
Reports(r_name)("uom" + Str$(j)).Visible = False
Reports(r_name)("uom" + Str$(j)).Caption = "M"
Reports(r_name)("com" + Str$(j)).Visible = False
Reports(r_name)("com" + Str$(j)).Caption = "M"

'*********** SET BOTH RECORDSETS TO FIRST RECORD ***********
current_group = "General"

LabREF = InputBox("Enter Lab Reference Number")

'**********  CYCLE THROUGH BOXES UP TO 44 ******************
For I = 1 To 44
    print_pos = I

If st.EOF Then                           'check for last result record
    If res.EOF Then
        Exit Sub
        End If
End If

If res.EOF Then GoTo print_standard

If res![Lab Ref No] = LabREF Then
    GoTo process_labref
    GoTo check_eof
End If

If st.EOF Then GoTo print_results

resgrp = res!t_grp
tgrp = st!t_grp
tpos = st!f_pos
respos = res!f_pos

If resgrp > tgrp Then GoTo print_standard
If resgrp < tgrp Then GoTo print_results
If resgrp = tgrp Then GoTo compare_positions
MsgBox "error in group sorting"

    If tpos > respos Then GoTo print_results          'compare print positions
    If tpos < respos Then GoTo print_standard         ' and print the lowest
    If tpos = respos Then GoTo print_both
    MsgBox "error in position sorting"

    If res!t_grp > current_group Then
        print_pos = print_pos + 1
        I = I + 1
    End If
    equivalence = res!Equiv
    testvalue = res!Value
    testuom = res!UOM
        If IsNull(res!p_comm) Then
            comments = " "
            comments = res!p_comm
        End If

    current_group = res!t_grp                          'set current group to
    testname = res!T_name
    Call PrintResultValues(LabREF, repname, testname, equivalence, testvalue, testuom, comments, print_pos)
    res.MoveNext                              ' one being printed
    GoTo last_line

    If st!t_grp > current_group Then
        I = I + 1
        print_pos = print_pos + 1
    End If
    testname = st!T_name
    current_group = st!t_grp    'set current group to one being printed
    Call Printst(repname, testname, print_pos)     'PRINT st TEXT
    'MsgBox "current group is now " & current_group
    st.MoveNext                                    'MOVENEXT st
    GoTo last_line

    If res!t_grp > current_group Then
        I = I + 1
        print_pos = print_pos + 1
    End If
    current_group = res!t_grp          'set current group to one being printed
    testname = res!T_name
    equivalence = res!Equiv
    testvalue = res!Value
    testuom = res!UOM
        If IsNull(res!p_comm) Then
            comments = " "
            comments = res!p_comm
        End If
    Call PrintResultValues(LabREF, repname, testname, equivalence, testvalue, testuom, comments, print_pos)
    GoTo last_line
    'If resgrp > current_group Then             'Check for new group and
     '   If tgrp > current_group Then I = I + 1   'leave space if true
    'End If

    If res!EOF = True Then
        If st!EOF = True Then
          Exit Sub
     End If
    End If


Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub PrintResultValues(lab_ref As String, repname As String, testname As String, Equiv As String, test_val As Double, UOM As String, pcomments As String, p_pos As Integer)
Dim parabox As String, equivbox As String, valbox As String
Dim uombox As String, commbox As String

parabox = "box" + Str$(p_pos)
equivbox = "eq" + Str$(p_pos)
valbox = "val" + Str$(p_pos)
uombox = "uom" + Str$(p_pos)
commbox = "com" + Str$(p_pos)

Reports(repname)(parabox).Visible = True
Reports(repname)(parabox).Caption = testname

If Equiv <> "=" Then
    Reports(repname)(equivbox).Visible = True
    Reports(repname)(equivbox).Caption = Equiv
End If

If test_val <> 0 Then
    Reports(repname)(valbox).Visible = True
    Reports(repname)(valbox).Value = test_val
    Reports(repname)(uombox).Visible = True
    Reports(repname)(uombox).Caption = UOM
End If

Reports(repname)(commbox).Visible = True
Reports(repname)(commbox).Caption = pcomments

End Sub

Sub Printst(repname1 As String, testname1, p_pos1)
Dim parabox1 As String

parabox1 = "box" + Str$(p_pos1)

Reports(repname1)(parabox1).Visible = True
Reports(repname1)(parabox1).Caption = testname1

End Sub

Any helps very much appreciated!

which labref to print" the report is opened with a [red]where condition[/red]
    DoCmd.OpenReport repname, acPreview, , [b][red]cond[/red][/b]
This [red]where condition[/red] is retrieved from the [Report Names] table.
[b][red]cond[/red][/b] = DLookup("[macroname]", "Report Names", "[reptitle]=""" & _
    forms![report screen].[reptitle] & """")
There may also be something in the report's record source query that would filter the report.

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP

Thanks for the response - this report is driving me mad trying to unpick it! There is not record source query as there report comes from a table.

There is a the following filter applied:

([complete]=yes and [Lab ref no] between [Lab Ref From] and [Lab Ref To])

But i still cant get it to prompt and print the correct LabReference?

Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly received

I would change the report's record source to a query without any criteria. Then use a form to enter the Lab Ref From and To values. Use code to open the report using the Where condition based on the values entered into the controls on the form.

Hook'D on Access
MS Access MVP
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