I am attempting to do a passthrough prompt from my universe and I'm experiencing some strange results in Crystal.
In the Universe Designer, I have the prompt setup like this:
The variable year refers to the prompt:
which is setup as a string.
I put the prompt in a function so that I could put functions on it if needed, but right now it just passes the value entered through to the database.
It's on a SQL Server database and the value entered is just the year and it's a number field on the db.
Crytal is showing the value as 2009 (if I enter 2009), but it is giving me every year when I really should return just 2009.
I suspect Crystal is slipping in a comma sort of like 2,009, but I can't see that in the variable in the report.
Is there some sort of function where I can ensure that is is just passing a 4 digit year with no commas, decimals or any other such garbage. I can't figure this out for the life of me.
In the Universe Designer, I have the prompt setup like this:
dbo.table1.YEAR >= '{@year}'
The variable year refers to the prompt:
I put the prompt in a function so that I could put functions on it if needed, but right now it just passes the value entered through to the database.
It's on a SQL Server database and the value entered is just the year and it's a number field on the db.
Crytal is showing the value as 2009 (if I enter 2009), but it is giving me every year when I really should return just 2009.
I suspect Crystal is slipping in a comma sort of like 2,009, but I can't see that in the variable in the report.
Is there some sort of function where I can ensure that is is just passing a 4 digit year with no commas, decimals or any other such garbage. I can't figure this out for the life of me.