ClientCode 223345 has 2 records in the Event table RecordNum 1 and RecordNum 2. RecordNum 1 has a record in the EventHistory table but no records in EventHistory for RecordNum2. I know this is because of the relationship of
Event.RecordNum = EventHistory.RecordNum
If there are no records in the EventHistory table, how can I still have ecordNum2 returned in the query with 0 showing as the count?
select Event.EventName,Event.EventType,COUNT(*) from event
INNER JOIN EventHistory WITH (NOLOCK) ON Event.RecordNum = EventHistory.RecordNum
WHERE Event.ClientCode = 223345 AND EventHistory.Vendor is not null
group by Event.EventName, Event.EventType
Event.RecordNum = EventHistory.RecordNum
If there are no records in the EventHistory table, how can I still have ecordNum2 returned in the query with 0 showing as the count?
select Event.EventName,Event.EventType,COUNT(*) from event
INNER JOIN EventHistory WITH (NOLOCK) ON Event.RecordNum = EventHistory.RecordNum
WHERE Event.ClientCode = 223345 AND EventHistory.Vendor is not null
group by Event.EventName, Event.EventType