Anyone seen a Format like this.
Latitude Longitude
5136.0770N 00035.5890E
5136.0814N 00035.5937E
5136.5631N 00034.8301E
5135.7585N 00034.4094E
5135.2930N 00033.3064E
5135.3990N 00031.5775E
5135.5574N 00029.8621E
Does not seem to be any standard positive or negative.... assume it is Degrees (Lat and Long) but any ideas how I can convert it (and how many processes might be required) into eastings and northings?
Was thinking could import it into a database which then trims the S/N or E/W Suffixes and where necessary (N or W) enters a negative value symbol?
Anyone seen that before.
Is there a way I can translate my esri project into a similar format so instead of a whole conversion process (in theory will be many files being submitted daily) I could just import?
Thanks in advance for any light anyone might be able to shed.
Latitude Longitude
5136.0770N 00035.5890E
5136.0814N 00035.5937E
5136.5631N 00034.8301E
5135.7585N 00034.4094E
5135.2930N 00033.3064E
5135.3990N 00031.5775E
5135.5574N 00029.8621E
Does not seem to be any standard positive or negative.... assume it is Degrees (Lat and Long) but any ideas how I can convert it (and how many processes might be required) into eastings and northings?
Was thinking could import it into a database which then trims the S/N or E/W Suffixes and where necessary (N or W) enters a negative value symbol?
Anyone seen that before.
Is there a way I can translate my esri project into a similar format so instead of a whole conversion process (in theory will be many files being submitted daily) I could just import?
Thanks in advance for any light anyone might be able to shed.