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Issue deploying application 1

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Oct 18, 2009
Hey All,

I am having issues deploying an application that i have built using the ACCPACXAPILIb.

If i deploy the application to a machine running XP everything works fine, BUT if i deploy it to Vista, Server 08 or Win 7 i get an error when trying to instantiate an instance of xapiView, it gives me some COM error.

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {975D7AD3-8871-11D1-B5A5-0060083B07C8} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

Anyone have any ideas?

any input would be greatly appreciated.
Which Accpac version?
What language are using? Do not include the Accpac DLLs in your build.
Is Accpac installed and running on the computers where you get the error?
Hello ettienne,

It would seem that your here again to help me out.
If i knew where you lived (not eStalking you) i would definitely by you a beer.

1) Accpac 5.5 on both development machines and deployment machines.

2) C#, I think that could be the problem, A4WCOM.dll is being added to my installer.

I just read somewhere online that it could be an issue with x86 and x64 platforms, so i just rebuilt for x64 and am going to test.

If it's not the CPU platform thing I will try not including the A4WCOM.dll in the installer and see if that works.

either way i will get back to you with an answer.

thanks again for your input.
Don't include any Accpac DLLs in your installer, Accpac installs these and you will end up with a conflict if you include them as well. X86 should work in most cases, Accpac is a 32bit app and it runs fine on x64.
Another thing to do is run REGACC (Start, Run, REGACC Enter) on the x64 machines, this registers all the Accpac stuff.
I'm in Orlando, Florida btw, any good beer will do;)

so I got it, im not sure exactly what it was but here is what i did.

1) excluded A4WCOM.dll from my installer.
2) marked my application as x86, i know this sounds weird but when it was left as 'Any CPU' it would fail to instantiate the COM interface.

After i made those 2 changes together, not either or, my application launched with not problems.

Thanks again ettienne for all your help.
I just might have to send one of our kick ass Canadian cases of beer your way one of these days.
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