Hey there,
Surely this has a simple answer:
This bit works:
If Not IsNull(Forms!Customers_Main_Au!Customers_Search_AU.Form.CustomerId) then
msgbox "Has Value"
End If
Returns "Has Value"
What i want to do is replace CustomerID with any field name like this
dim tempfield
tempfield = "CustomerID"
If Not IsNull(Forms!Customers_Main_Au!Customers_Search_AU.Form.tempfield) then
msgbox "Has Value"
End If
This method does not work. Help!
Any suggestions appreciated!
Surely this has a simple answer:
This bit works:
If Not IsNull(Forms!Customers_Main_Au!Customers_Search_AU.Form.CustomerId) then
msgbox "Has Value"
End If
Returns "Has Value"
What i want to do is replace CustomerID with any field name like this
dim tempfield
tempfield = "CustomerID"
If Not IsNull(Forms!Customers_Main_Au!Customers_Search_AU.Form.tempfield) then
msgbox "Has Value"
End If
This method does not work. Help!
Any suggestions appreciated!