Hi! I've made an ISAPI application that create and write some files to a local folder. It does create files but for some reason it doesnt write into them.
I think the permissions are right: IUSR_ and IWAM_ have read/write permissions in that folder.
I even test with Everyone on Full Control rights.
The error that shows is this:
Exception: EInOutError
Message: I/O error 103
Which means "File is already open". But the programming is ok, because I already tested as a CGI application.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot
I think the permissions are right: IUSR_ and IWAM_ have read/write permissions in that folder.
I even test with Everyone on Full Control rights.
The error that shows is this:
Exception: EInOutError
Message: I/O error 103
Which means "File is already open". But the programming is ok, because I already tested as a CGI application.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot