Here is the report layout that is desired by my client. Need to find out if there is a way to lay out the report in this format and any idea how to do it.
Project1 Project2 Project3
Begin Date: 01/05/04 01/01/03 04/24/02
End Date : 03/05/04 06/01/03 07/02/02
Fund Amount: $5000 $3000 $3400
Proj Mgr: Fname,Lname Fn,Ln Fn,Ln
Totals: $5000 $3000 $3400
There are still four more fields.
The relation is 1 to 1 of a Project name to other fields.
Like Project1 has one beging and end date,one funding amount, one project manager and etc.
I tried to use crosstab but it didn't help.
If I knew there was only three projects then I could have created three subreports and drop em on the main report. But unfortunately it will undetermined as to how many projects will print on the report. I guess maximum no. of projects is less than 10.
Hope you guys have an idea what I am trying to do here
Project1 Project2 Project3
Begin Date: 01/05/04 01/01/03 04/24/02
End Date : 03/05/04 06/01/03 07/02/02
Fund Amount: $5000 $3000 $3400
Proj Mgr: Fname,Lname Fn,Ln Fn,Ln
Totals: $5000 $3000 $3400
There are still four more fields.
The relation is 1 to 1 of a Project name to other fields.
Like Project1 has one beging and end date,one funding amount, one project manager and etc.
I tried to use crosstab but it didn't help.
If I knew there was only three projects then I could have created three subreports and drop em on the main report. But unfortunately it will undetermined as to how many projects will print on the report. I guess maximum no. of projects is less than 10.
Hope you guys have an idea what I am trying to do here