I would like to use VBA to do the following when a button is clicked, but I don't know if it's possible. I have two tables which both have forms for data entry. The tables hold information on the details (dimensions, which department etc.) of a room (tblRooms), and its contents in terms of furniture respectively(tblContents).
There are 'default' rooms, which have a number of records in the contents table to show default lists of furniture items. What I want to be able to do is create a new record in tblRooms, which is identical to one of the default rooms (RoomName, e.g. DefaultOffice), but would have RoomName, e.g. DefaultOffice2. But I also need to copy all the records relating to DefaultOffice, and create identical new records relating to DefaultOffice2.
Is that understandable and is it possible???