I am using the following script when a page opens to show the users that they have to wait for a report to load.
This script works fine only all other things, but for some reason when used with crystal reports the report is not shown ?
How can I get this to work ?
<SCRIPT Language=Javascript>
function HideHourGlass(){
szNavVersion = navigator.appVersion // Hide the 'retreiving records' display
if (szNavVersion.indexOf ("4." >= 0 || szNavVersion.indexOf ("5." >= 0) {
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape"{
if (document.all("StatusIE"){
document.all("StatusIE".style.visibility = "hidden";
<BODY onLoad="HideHourGlass()">
<DIV ID="StatusIE"><LAYER ID="StatusText"><center>Generating Report, Please Wait... </center></LAYER></DIV>
thanks in asvance.
I am using the following script when a page opens to show the users that they have to wait for a report to load.
This script works fine only all other things, but for some reason when used with crystal reports the report is not shown ?
How can I get this to work ?
<SCRIPT Language=Javascript>
function HideHourGlass(){
szNavVersion = navigator.appVersion // Hide the 'retreiving records' display
if (szNavVersion.indexOf ("4." >= 0 || szNavVersion.indexOf ("5." >= 0) {
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape"{
if (document.all("StatusIE"){
document.all("StatusIE".style.visibility = "hidden";
<BODY onLoad="HideHourGlass()">
<DIV ID="StatusIE"><LAYER ID="StatusText"><center>Generating Report, Please Wait... </center></LAYER></DIV>
thanks in asvance.