Please tell me if this is just poor design of my part or a handycap in FLASH ...
Have small movie with 12 layers. On layer 2 (quotes) I've set a group of input fields split in two columns. On the first column I have 13 single line fields and on right column, I have one multiline field.
On layer 7, I have a horizontal menu with 7 buttons.
As I access form via button with action 'gotoandplay', the form display ... it's all good. I click on first field and type something in and tab expecting to go to next field. Well, I jump to horizontal menu two buttons after chosen button to access form page. Two tabs later, and I am back to next form field.
Why is this? Why am I jumping to menu buttons instead of going down the column on input fields?
Should I switch layer position? Am I missing a simple but very important step?
Please help .... 8-(
Thank you all in advance!
josel If you have the knowledge, consult and educate those who need it! - Jose Lerebours
Have small movie with 12 layers. On layer 2 (quotes) I've set a group of input fields split in two columns. On the first column I have 13 single line fields and on right column, I have one multiline field.
On layer 7, I have a horizontal menu with 7 buttons.
As I access form via button with action 'gotoandplay', the form display ... it's all good. I click on first field and type something in and tab expecting to go to next field. Well, I jump to horizontal menu two buttons after chosen button to access form page. Two tabs later, and I am back to next form field.
Why is this? Why am I jumping to menu buttons instead of going down the column on input fields?
Should I switch layer position? Am I missing a simple but very important step?
Please help .... 8-(
Thank you all in advance!
josel If you have the knowledge, consult and educate those who need it! - Jose Lerebours