I am loading Oracle 8i on a Sun 280R server
I get to the screen that it said it is creating the database and it gets 2% done and I get the following error.
I am trying to install Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition on a Sun 280r Server. I pick all of my selections and it goes off to start building the database and it 2% done and I get the error.
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I guess that you have done an installation of ORacle 8i on a Sun 280. I am installing an oralce 8.1.7 on a sun 250. It would be great if you could give me some advice or guidance. I also appreciate any advices from all of you, Unix/Oracle Gurus on this site. Thanks Jeanie
Installation of Oracle on Unix is fairly straight forward. Thie installation process will creat the necessary user account on Unix. Ensure that u have enought diskspace available of the installation and example database (if selected). Ensure that the Unix kernel is tuned correctly of the Oracle instace (see the install document).
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