I'm trying to debug my Global.Asa file - which should Load settings in On_Start and save settings On_End.<br><br>Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be generating this file.<br>I'm using the FileSystemObject to do this and the Server.Mappath(<filename> to get the correct location to store and retrieve from.<br><br>I have access to Frontpage 2000 or Interdev 6, although the web server is PWS, not IIS4.<br><br>I've checked that the Virtual Directory has Execute checked on... and have since run out of Ideas!<br><br>I'd include the code, but it's got quite large, and I don't really want to spam the list with it if no one can help. I can post it though if it would help. <p>Ben Marshalsea<br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>