If I am previewing a report and it stops responding, is there any way to get out of the query? I did a lot of formating and do not want to lose my changes. It proably is not possible, but if there is any way, let me know.
When you say "stops responding" what is the basis for making that statement? If you are basing this on windows task manager saying it is not responding, please be aware that this is not the final measure of weather or not it truly is responding.
I have had crystal reports (and other applications) tell windows task manager that the application was not responding, but if I left it alone eventually the report did finish.
I recommend a little patience, and if it does finish, save it and post back your record selection formula and other pertinent data, and lets figure out WHY it is taking so long.
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
Windows claims it was not respong, but it has been doing this for over a half hour. The problem was I tried to use and alias instead of keeping my subreport because I had issue lining up amounts. It is trying to place more than 1 record in the header. (like sometimes 7)
If I can get it to exit this query, I will delete it, but I need to get out of this accessing database.
If you think this is taking a long time, using a subreport will make you an old man (or woman). You should avoid subreports if at all possible.
If you place a database field in the group header, you get the first record of that group. You do not have 7 records or more, or for that matter even 2 records, in the group header. Nor will using an alias, in and of itself, cause performance problems.
Give us axamples of your data, techincal information on type of database, connectivity used, etc., alond with your desired results and we can most likely help.
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
the subreport was taking about 40 sec to run. I added this alias to try the other example and not it will not go away and all my invoice deatails are duplicated. I need to remove the alias, but it will not leave from database expert. I click on the table, click on the arrow to remove and it stays.
Like dgillz, I have had reports that ran a long time with no visible progress. And Windows XP always claims they are 'Not Responding', even though they mostly produce output eventually.
Have you been taking backups of your report while you were developing it? I found this a good idea when developing complex reports in Crystal 8.5.
It's also a good idea to include just a small range of accounts in your test version, by adding an extra test in the record selection. Remove this once the basics are there.
When you click Preview (or Refresh), Crystal submits the SQL statement to the database server.
Then Crystal waits for a response from the server. (ie Reading Records)
The "Not Responding" message shows up because Crystal can do nothing until it gets a message back from the Server -hopefully your result set.
Depending upon the version of the database you're reporting from, you can try turning on "Perform Query Asynchronously"
This will let you click the Stop button in the upper right hand corner of the Preview window. Crystal will then send a message to the database, asking it to terminate the query. If the database supports Asynchronous querying, it'll stop and return control to Crystal. If it doesn't support Asynchronous querying, then it'll ignore the request from Crystal and continue on its merry way.
This doesn't help you with the query you've got running now, but may help in the future.
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