I’m trying to ascertain the best, that is, the simplest way to do something. I have a form table that exists on the local network and to which data is added. At some point the form gets placed on the web and is linked to from the home page. At that point I want to kill form functionality so that it is a table with data only. I’ve tried this 2 ways:
· Prior to uploading I run a ‘flatten page’ java script.
· I use page 128 bit security and set ‘changes allowed’ to ‘none’
The problem is I have 2 buttons at the top of the page: one with a java script to print the page; the other with a link back to the home page. This eliminates option 2 above, and with option 1, requires that after flattening the page the 2 buttons are re-created.
Is there another option I have overlooked?
· Prior to uploading I run a ‘flatten page’ java script.
· I use page 128 bit security and set ‘changes allowed’ to ‘none’
The problem is I have 2 buttons at the top of the page: one with a java script to print the page; the other with a link back to the home page. This eliminates option 2 above, and with option 1, requires that after flattening the page the 2 buttons are re-created.
Is there another option I have overlooked?