Feb 22, 2011 #1 dkaplan Programmer Jan 29, 2001 98 US Is it possible, using only SAS syntax, to update a single existing dataset? The SQL equivalent would be: UPDATE myTable SET city = 'Paris' WHERE id = 22 P.S. I know this could be done using proc sql. I'm new to SAS and trying to learn the SAS syntax.
Is it possible, using only SAS syntax, to update a single existing dataset? The SQL equivalent would be: UPDATE myTable SET city = 'Paris' WHERE id = 22 P.S. I know this could be done using proc sql. I'm new to SAS and trying to learn the SAS syntax.
Feb 23, 2011 #2 TysonLPrice Programmer Jan 8, 2003 859 US Look into Proc SQL http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/91pdf/sasdoc_91/base_sqlproc_6992.pdf Upvote 0 Downvote
Look into Proc SQL http://support.sas.com/documentation/onlinedoc/91pdf/sasdoc_91/base_sqlproc_6992.pdf
Feb 25, 2011 Thread starter #3 dkaplan Programmer Jan 29, 2001 98 US Thanks, TLP I also found a way to do it in SAS syntax. data myLib.originalDataset; set myLib.originalDataset; if id = 22 then city = 'Paris'; proc print data = myLib.originalDataset; run; Upvote 0 Downvote
Thanks, TLP I also found a way to do it in SAS syntax. data myLib.originalDataset; set myLib.originalDataset; if id = 22 then city = 'Paris'; proc print data = myLib.originalDataset; run;