I have spent more than 12 hours building a report in crystal 11. The report ran fine, compiled fine. I finished and saved. It will not open and kills Crystal.
The reportAppName: crw32.exe AppVer: ModName: crw32.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0045b6f4 will not open, r
I actually saved several versions over the hours. Non of versions will open. Is ther a way to open in "safe mode" so that I may recoup my formulas?
The reportAppName: crw32.exe AppVer: ModName: crw32.exe
ModVer: Offset: 0045b6f4 will not open, r
I actually saved several versions over the hours. Non of versions will open. Is ther a way to open in "safe mode" so that I may recoup my formulas?