Based on Networker 6.1.1 I've backed up several mountpoints
arount 700GB)manually by the save-command.
The syntax was like this:
save -s >backup_server< -l full -b FOREVER -I /var/tmp/backup.txt
where backup.txt contains the list of mountpoints to save.
All went fine, exept the saveset name-entry.
An mminfo -v -q 'client=>clientname<, pool=FOREVER' -r 'savetime(17),name,totalsize,ssid' just give me root as name-information. I've heard that this is due to the fact that the first mountpoint to save is located in root and could be avoid by the -N option.(I don't want to save that stuff again...)
Is there a way to modify this name-entry in the mediadatabase afterwards (documented/undocumented/supported/unsupported)???
Kind Regards, spaceball
Based on Networker 6.1.1 I've backed up several mountpoints
arount 700GB)manually by the save-command.
The syntax was like this:
save -s >backup_server< -l full -b FOREVER -I /var/tmp/backup.txt
where backup.txt contains the list of mountpoints to save.
All went fine, exept the saveset name-entry.
An mminfo -v -q 'client=>clientname<, pool=FOREVER' -r 'savetime(17),name,totalsize,ssid' just give me root as name-information. I've heard that this is due to the fact that the first mountpoint to save is located in root and could be avoid by the -N option.(I don't want to save that stuff again...)
Is there a way to modify this name-entry in the mediadatabase afterwards (documented/undocumented/supported/unsupported)???
Kind Regards, spaceball