Maybe in /simt.log or /smit.script if you are not cleaning it...
If the user was created from command line with mkuser command this command could be stored in command history file which is .sh_history
You can extend history size by customizin HISTSIZE variable (export HISTSIZE=500000)
In AIX 5.3 to have each command in .sh_history with the date of its execution you should add export EXTENDED_HISTORY=ON to your profile (only AIX 5.3)
If the user is added by adding "the line" to /etc/profile then probably it is not possible to get the date of creation - but you could make a simply cron task which would do a copy of /etc/passwd file to a "backup" location with timestamp of the passwd (for example: passwd_29.09.2006_00:00) - it would help you recognize when a user appeared in the system.
If your accounts/password/groups are distributed from CFM (CSM) or a FileCollection (PSSP) then you can collect this data in on distribution server (CFM's command cfmupdatenode has a switch -b which makes a file copy with a timestamp each time the file is changed and is going to be distributed on CSM/CFM clients)
If your users are in NIS+ or LDAP then you could collect user status using lsuser -R LDAP... or lsuser -R NIS... command and save file with a timestamp.
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