I was wondering if there was a desktop application, which would launch reports from Crystal which you've created? Our users do not want to log into the InfoView application. They would also like a link in the application (database - which is Lotus Notes) so when they click on it, a list of reports will appear for them to launch...
Does anyone know if these two options are possible or if there is any kind of third party application which might help me?
Thanks in advance,
I was wondering if there was a desktop application, which would launch reports from Crystal which you've created? Our users do not want to log into the InfoView application. They would also like a link in the application (database - which is Lotus Notes) so when they click on it, a list of reports will appear for them to launch...
Does anyone know if these two options are possible or if there is any kind of third party application which might help me?
Thanks in advance,