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Is SCO going the path of Lantastic ?

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Apr 13, 2000
Billy boy goin to have a heart attack when Linus gets a hold him also.<br><br>IBM Linux wristwatch<br>Corel WordPerfect via Linux<br>Dell 10% servers have Linux<br>HP same<br>Cpq same<br>What is happening ? can we talk about ?<br>MS DOS vs PC DOS<br>DR DOS vs MS DOS <br>Novell buys WP<br>MS buys planet earth<br>Planet earth becomes digitally enamored (big word use dict.)<br>Digital conciuousness becomes reality @ Sept 12 11AM 2000<br>the Cloaked OS's reveal themselves (they actually live in &quot;cyberspace&quot; the aliens we have alsways watched for have been here all along.<br>King Linux takes control of all OS's on planet Sept 15 11AM 2000 and destroys all of the competitors.<br>Retinal eye scans become the only way a person can gain access to there computers. All life functions are MIMAC d<br>(acronym Mind Interface Multiple Access Controller) to King Linux. AND PRESTO ......<br><br><br>New life forms go forth into the Hinterland looking for unwary PDA's, AND ESPECIALLY UPS drivers who are lost looking for a residence (where the last vestigages of humanity exist in a few young people who are fooling around with there fathers old 9600 baud modems) and hoping to assimulate all the young virgin minds of the next generation that will not have to unlearn CPM ~ 5.25&quot; 360K FD ~ .........<br><br>And we have had people actually tell us that evolution is false !
So Lantastic got sold. It lives.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>So SCO sold/traded some of their stuff.<br>Grumman Tigers still fly.<br>IBM keypunches still punch cards.<br>So you protect yourself by getting everything you need to exist early in life and defy the world to change you.<br><br>You don't use sledge hammers to cut diamonds. You don't use diamond hammers to break concrete. Home Depot at one time had 27 different hammers for sale. Every one had a reason for being sold. You fit the tool to the job. Or better, get the tool to do the job.<br>And the average corporate user has 0% possibility of ever using Linux on the desktop. Not because it's a bad OS, but because there aren't enough support staff to answer the questions.Maybe he/she will be served by a machine running it but that is still too far in the future to know. <br>I am no Luddite.<br>And I have been wrong many times in the past. <p>Ed Fair<br><a href=mailto: efair@atlnet.com> efair@atlnet.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>Any advice I give is my best judgement based on my interpretation of the facts you supply. <br>
Help increase my knowledge by providing some feedback, good or bad, on any advice I have given.<br>
SCO isn't just going to disappear.&nbsp;&nbsp;For the reasons Ed stated, OpenServer and UnixWare will be around for a long time.&nbsp;&nbsp;Neither SCO or Linux are, or ever have been, and likely never will be, desktop OSes.&nbsp;&nbsp;Leave that to the Windows and Macintoshes of the world, and let Unix get on with the <i>real</i> work.<br><br>(For the record, I run Linux and Windows 95 at home, I'm the one of the admins for about 16 Unix and Linux servers of various flavours, and I run Windows 95 as my desktop OS at work.) <p> <br><a href=mailto: > </a><br><a href= > </a><br>--<br>
0 1 - Just my two bits
So Lantastic got sold. It lives.
Oh yeah, it exists run your company NW on it. Better yet try to figure what they are selling now ?

Grumman Tigers still fly.
Oh yeah they still fly go up against a F16 or a Stealth.

IBM keypunches still punch cards
you got it buddy get your e-commerce report form this

Good evening ladies and gentleman welcome aboard the SCO Airlines flight 123 please buckle your seatbelts and sit back and relax we are being auto-piloted (controlled by OS5 and UnixWare) don't worry nothing will go wrong nothing will go wrong nothing will go wrong nothing will go wrong
nothing will go wrong nothing will go wrong nothing will go wrong .....
yeah telnet to this device and see how it performs
you will be surprised
1. I can still buy it and use it.

2. I can buy one for $25,000 (used) , pack 3 passengers into it, fly it off a 4,000 foot strip, and do it for 7 GPH for about 6 hours. And not need 4 hours of work for every flight hour. If I wanted to be in Califonia in 4 hours I'd go commercial for $200.00. If I needed it faster, I'd charter.

3. Wasn't designed for that. Your e-commerce report machine won't let you mount a microfiche image in a record either.

Different problems, different solutions. Things change. And the things that remain do so because they offer value to somebody. If they don't offer some value they disappear.
Would not be surprised to find CPM on a production machine somewhere, 5&quot; floppies probably, don't know why you picked on the 360K, why not take it back to the beginning, 140K, on the Shugart 35 Tk SSSD SA400.
And don't you think W98 would look a bit different running under CPM, which is what would have happened if IBM had succeeded in their first choice.

1. I can still buy it and use it
but would'nt you get frustrated.
If you own a company I will pay you $1,000.00 to replace your current NW with it. And get on the use it. Will you do it?

2.I can buy one for $25,000 (used)
I don't want to be on it. Would you put your children on it, and send them across country ?

3. Wasn't designed for that. Your e-commerce report machine won't let you mount a microfiche image in a record either
yes it will ( do you want a demo of it)

Different problems, different solutions
Old problems with mediocre solutions, that have given to better solutions.

don't know why you picked on the 360K
because every PC on earth went to this standard and obsoleted every other FD

( remember the difference in a 720K and a 1.44) ?

I have been around awhile
1) What frustrates me is spending 2 weeks getting Lantastic to load on 6 machines because MS changed APIs and didn't let anybody know and shipped 95B out with a faulty uninstaller. Not Artisoft's problem. And I use Lantastic 8.0, and I share, and I can access the web using it. But mostly I don't since I spend most of my time on 1 machine which dials directly.

2) Not only would I, I did. Many times. Well , within 475 NM.

3) Would store an image. But that image couldn't be printed on white line blueprint. Being just a little picky here.

4) How about &quot;Different tools for different fools.&quot;. And the solutions may have improved for some problems, but some solutions are worse. Take e-mail. My DOS/Win31 will bring up e-mail, log in, check, exit, and shut down to park before my W95 will come all the way up.

5) Several that didn't, mostly 8&quot; based. But mostly out of business due to the rush to IBM, until IBM shot themselves in the foot.

6) not only do I remember, I still have a system with 360 & 720 installed, running on a lantastic network, so I can copy to any low density media I need to.

7) I must apologise. I took your attitude to be something like my kids got when they turned 13. And kept until they passed 25 to 30.
Yes , it is frustrating. But I've fought the frustration for 40 years. I do customer service, repairing and upgrading hardware. And after a while you get to wondering what stupid thing is going to bite you next.
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